Onnanoko Ni Naru Appli Bangaihen Zenpen [English], by Tetsuna

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 5 comments

Don't go like ew it's gay, you must be honest, this is a nice butt

Would you remember my previous share by Tetsuna, Onnanoko Ni Naru Appli? Here’s the sequel! :)
A loose sequel, this is simply the same universe in which an app to change sex appears on random people’s phones, and requests that lots of sex is had before the subject may revert back.

A new guy becomes a woman, and resorts to prostitution to earn points fast. However, it is clearly implied by the end, that the change will probably remain: mesmerized by the easy money and the waves of pleasure, what point would there be in becoming a man again, etcetera ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌

Just a side note, I allowed myself to slightly retouch the images, grayscaling the images and lightly enhancing the non-white areas to strengthen the contrasts and the visibility.

Thanks to Espeon and Desudesu for this one! :jap:

Inb4 someone asks: I know, 2 gender bender shares on the same day, I’m going over my monthly quota. But I wanted a chance to dampen the shock you might have had from my other gender bender share of today, Nyotai Koukan Sareta Ore.

And now, the download & gallery links :)

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery

Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(13 MB, 20 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3

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5 years ago

Step 1: Turn into a girl
Step 2: ???
Step 3: Profit

5 years ago

Gender benders always leave out the little detail that these things change you from an out-of-shape loser into a hot girl! It’s the ultimate workout makeover. Be a Neet loser, sitting on your ass for countless years and then you get the app, bang! Lose buckets of fat and have your sex drive ramped up to eleventeen! The whole adult human race should be run through one of these apps! If all the flabby women get changed into hot men, meh, whatever, it’s a bonus I guess. I’d be happy if everyone changes into hot girls, maybe drop the population a few billion, plus kick the female sex toy market into overdrive. Dare to dream of the glorious future!

5 years ago
Reply to  Pavlov

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5 years ago

If all the adult men AND adult women become hot adult women, it’ll be wall-to-wall wombs, but the only dicks will be children who eventually mature. It’s doubtful they’d be able to fertilize all the transformed women, so probably the population would drop some after the transformed adults die off. It’s sketchy reasoning, granted, but it’s my fantasy world, so I’m sure it’ll be fine!

China’s 1-child program was much better, because everyone was aborting the girls and having boys. Effectively, they were changing all the girls into boys! And you can’t keep the population up with no wombs!