St. Louis Wa Aisaretai (“St. Louis Wants To Be Loved”) [English], an hentai doujinshi parodying the Azur Lane series, by Mt (circle +Elegy)

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 3 comments


Allright, here’s a simple, straight to the point hentai doujinshi: Azur Lane’s Saint Louis is a cute shipgirl with massive tits and unpent libido, she’s on the demanding side and won’t let her admiral rest, the end =)

Graphically, it’s pretty good, there’s a certain shoujo impression with the drawing style although I am not sure what’s exactly giving me that feeling, the paizuri is well done, the vaginal sex is decent too…
Well, there’s the issue of the multiple bars censorship, still, but we can only bear with it, or go with Fakku if you can’t stand it I won’t blame you ^^

And now, the download & gallery links :)

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery

Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(35 MB, 26 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3


Hey everyone :)

You're reading a post I prepared, and scheduled, in advance. At the present time, I'm on holidays with my wife and kids, as far from the internet as possible in 2019. Legends say there are still areas in France without buildings, pollution and McDonalds, I'll check it out.

I hope this share isn't broken or anything, buuuuuut... Look, if I screwed up, no matter the reason, what can I do, right? Deal with it :D

Take care while I'm away, enjoy the beautiful days of Summer, and meet you back in the end of the first week of August! :-)

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5 years ago

Page 19 was hot, was this on Fakku?

Definitely not O.
Definitely not O.
5 years ago
Reply to  oldbrokenhands

Hush, man, Hush, better not know or else someone would have to do something

Ignorance is bliss

5 years ago

With that level of censorship, I wouldn’t worry much about Fakku.