Houshou No Kenshin [English], an hentai doujinshi parodying the Kantai Collection game, by Monmo Bokujou (AKA Uron Ray)
Feeed and Constantly brought us this very pleasant Kantai Collection hentai doujinshi, thanks a lot
The doujinshi doesn’t have much of a scenario, this is simply Houshou paying her admiral a night visit as part of her duties, which she performs with a naughty smile and an expression of pride.
The sex is good, the censorship not truly getting in the way (two, three black bars, max, and not hiding much, they’re small), Houshouh’s pear-shaped breasts are cute and felt more realistic than the usual (apparenlty) balloons filled with helium, and on top of all, she had a god-tier ass. HER BUTTCHEEKS WERE LEGENDARY, simply said
Enjoy, if you hadn’t read it yet! ^_^
By the same artist, Monmo Bokujou, also known as Uron Rei, I also share Puni Love Mochu Laika, Sara Wa Minna No Oyome-san, and the two Kimi No Egao Ga Boku No Hoshi volumes.
And now, the download & gallery links 
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery
Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(14 MB, 26 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3
Hey everyone
You're reading a post I prepared, and scheduled, in advance. At the present time, I'm on holidays with my wife and kids, as far from the internet as possible in 2019. Legends say there are still areas in France without buildings, pollution and McDonalds, I'll check it out.
I hope this share isn't broken or anything, buuuuuut... Look, if I screwed up, no matter the reason, what can I do, right? Deal with it
Take care while I'm away, enjoy the beautiful days of Summer, and meet you back in the end of the first week of August! :-)
Holy cannoli.