Saimin Nouryoku De Midara Na Pakohame Seikatsu (“Obscene Hypnosis Ability ~ Fucking The Female Bully Begging For Sex”) [English, Full colour], by Sawayaka Samehada
That looks like a nice fantasy to nurture, if a person of the opposite sex takes pleasure turning your life into shit, brainwashing her into desperately begging for your dick.
Here, in this share, apparently it’s a gift from God, so if the Powers above give their greenlight, it’s allright, yes? ^^
I’ll let you see for yourselves. Thanks to Dfomaster!
And now, the download & gallery links 
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Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(19 MB, 26 pictures, English)
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Hey everyone
You're reading a post I prepared, and scheduled, in advance. At the present time, I'm on holidays with my wife and kids, as far from the internet as possible in 2019. Legends say there are still areas in France without buildings, pollution and McDonalds, I'll check it out.
I hope this share isn't broken or anything, buuuuuut... Look, if I screwed up, no matter the reason, what can I do, right? Deal with it
Take care while I'm away, enjoy the beautiful days of Summer, and meet you back in the end of the first week of August! :-)
Dear author, thank you SO MUCH for not making this another freakin’ hypnosis app story. I am so grateful that you have at least an ounce of creativity in you and didn’t make this story about another phone freak who finds an amazing sex slave app that he can load on his phone and enslave fuck-all every one. Also, thank you for not knocking up another gyaru. That shit is SO DONE.
Purple Man: Year One