Monokage No Irisu (“Iris Of The Shade”) Volume 3 [English, 200 pictures], + the volumes 1-3 repacked together [English, 594 pictures], by TsuyaTsuya

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 12 comments

MILFs know how to enjoy cock, don't they.

There we are, the 3rd and final volume of the Monokage No Irisu series has been released! Five years after Fated Circle dropped it, two brave souls took over and delivered :)
Thus, my thanks go to Fated Circle and his kind donators, of course, but also J.U.M and [email protected], without whom we’d still be waiting ^^ :jap:

the schism between desire and love, between responsibilities and personal aspirations, are central themes to Tsuyatsuya’s mangas, his mangas (save the comedies) are deeply psychological, showing characters on a path of personal evolution and/or discovery. In my eyes, they’re SO interesting, compared to the usual hentai works we see every day!!

To summarize the Monokage No Irisu series, we follow a young man, reaching adult age, discovering sexuality in an unusual manner, learning that his body and soul may have conflictual inclinations, exploring the depths of love… It’s an interesting read, this young man has a quite mature and analytic personality, and he’s faced to a situation that requires guts, acceptance and humility, qualities he was partly lacking – acquiring them is part of him growing up, precisely. However, he also learns life isn’t pure black and white situations, the characters are struggling in an unstable balance between drama and joy.
In that regard, the conclusion at the end of the volume 3 might disappoint some of you, but in my eyes, it was courageous and touching to have chosen this path…

Graphically, this is glorious thick middle-aged woman time, the female MC looks like 35 max (on paper: 40), with a very high erotic intensity, lustful stares, she’s something. Regrettably, the picture quality is usually on the bad side, and it’s badly censored. Deal with it.
Me, I’m recommending you this manga, but for you guys, well, it’s as you like =)

(MOAR! For MORE works by this artist, Cf the List of my TsuyaTsuya shares)

And now, the download & gallery links :)

Open the Complete Pictures Galleries:
Volume 1Volume 2Volume 3

I share 4 zips. In 2 pairs.
First pair, for Monokage No Irisu: Volume 3 (200 pictures).
First, the “official” version, and, second, my “made smaller” version.
Second pair, for my repack of Monokage No Irisu volumes 1, 2 and 3 (594 pictures). They make the complete series, it’s over, nothing is missing :)
First, the “official” version, and, second, my “made smaller” versions.
How those “made smaller” versions are done: images above 1600 vertical px are shrunk back to 1600 px, while images no higher than that are slightly recompressed. The volume 1 had its images recompressed, the volume 2 had its images shrunk from 2000 px to 1600 px, and for the volume 3, the chapters 1-2 saw its 2000 px images shrink to 1600 px while the 6 remaining chapters had their 1274 px images simply slightly recompressed.
This shrinking/recompressing the images made the volume 3 go from 112 MB to 38 MB, and the volumes 1-2-3 repack go from 398 MB to 140 MB.

Monokage No Irisu: Volume 3! (200 pictures)
Full-size version, zip: Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3 – or – Mirror #4
Smaller version, zip: Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3 – or – Mirror #4

Monokage No Irisu Volumes 1-2-3! (594 pictures)
Full-size version, zip: Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3 – or – Mirror #4
Smaller version, zip: Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3 – or – Mirror #4


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5 years ago

This is a great release. Monokage no Irisu is one of the more intelligently written stories by Tsuya Tsuya. It is about two souls getting to experience something in each other that they had never had before even though it is something that they could not have forever. Whilst they certainly do not come away happier, they accept that they have come away wiser.

5 years ago
Reply to  Kailuun

It’s still a hentai right?

5 years ago

The last volume really didn’t have a lot of sex. Plenty of nudity and some failed attempts by “Old man-san” but not much til the end. It could almost be considered ecchi rather than hentai

5 years ago

Disappointed that they didn’t stay together in the end but have to agree it was well written.

5 years ago

Ahhh, Oliver, why you gotta make me remember that the TsuyaTsuya Mitsuko Maid series will probably never be completed/translated/whatever in my lifetime… . . .

5 years ago

… . . . ( -.-) . . . you heartless bassturd

5 years ago

So with the whiteout, this is basically a really good ecchi read?

5 years ago

****SPOILER SPOILER**** Wow Tsuya must be maturing as a writer. He/she had a set up where mother and son could start a incestuous relationship, but realistically don’t because they aren’t crazy sex fiends with no common sense. I’m impressed but I imagine others are disappointed…

5 years ago

I have to admit I find the ending rather sad. Not because they don’t end up together, but because of the ‘what happens next’ element of things. Neither of the two main characters has a ‘life’ to go back to. The male lead has been wrapped up in a fantasy world vacation leaving the realities of things like work and school to atrophy behind him while the female lead has thrown a brick through the window of the life she had. Is there a home waiting for her return or just a divorce and the need to seek out and construct the necessities of life; a place to live, a job for money, and a person(s) for company. They both turned the page on the lives they’d lived before but neither of them have any clear path to a future.