Nympho Maman Boshi Soukan [English, 502 pictures], by Kojima Miu
Five. Hundred. And. Two. Pages.
Packed full of MILF sex, plus a bit of young adult and a tiny bit of teen.
With a complex, rich, interesting scenario.
In which the sex is intense, drawn crudely with only very faint censorship.
… Nice
The scenario? A male highschooler’s incestuous life with his sexy MILF of a mother thanks to nymphomycin, a drug that places its user in an hypnotically induced submission state… Well, that’s how it starts, anyway, it certainly doesn’t end there…
You know me, I’d love to write an entire novel and waste your time, but I feel my hands are tied, I must STFU because the scenario is long, evolves, multiple protagonists interact, and don’t even think it is linear as you’re in for a few surprises and changes of perspective
I’ll just say, I’m glad I read Nympho Maman Boshi Soukan, for BOTH the art and the story
Just in case: it’s almost entirely happy sex, with rare bits of forced sex, strong domination, and occasional netorare vibes during hallucinations.
This long and interesting manga has been released by Fated Circle, thanks a lot!!
And now, the download & gallery links 
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery
Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(279 MB, 502 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3
Recompressed version incoming!
As of usual when ☑ the archive is quite big for its number of pictures, ☑ it offers a significant gain, ☑ the images are not in damn too high resolution, and ☑ I have enough time to do it, if it may help, I’m offering you a smaller version, in which I recompressed the images.
There should be no loss of quality for the naked eye, only a loss in megabytes.
The zip shrank from 279 MB to 157 MB.
Download links, Zip: Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3 – or – Mirror #4
Interesting drug: The characters take it and the reader gets fucked up. I haven’t been this confused since I tried to watch the anime Paprika!
Oliver, hennojin recently released Junren Temptation by ShaKe if you’re looking for another tank.
Apparently, it’s not shareable yet, or maybe it changed since I looked? Still, yeah, good news incoming ^^
dang! that was one hell of a bouncing ball of a scenario! twists and turns worthy of M.Night Shamalamala at his best!
seriously though, the scenario was deeper than i had given it credit for at the first two chapters. Art is pretty top notch too, and the ending left me in tears from laughing at the ”Moderate Punishement” XD
Thanks to everyone who brought this release to our delighted eyes!
Wow, nice release !
Any other work by this artist Kojima Miu ?
Quite a few. Check e-hentai.
Thank you !
Speaking for myself, the reason I stayed away from them so far, is that I am – honestly – fucking lost and confused with the scanlations for this artist.
Are they magazine standalones (I love neologisms, it feels like fucking with a language itself, it’s erotic), chapter x of a volume, first part of an ongoing series, or not, etcetera…
Once I reach that stage of confusion, I fell myself to just sit back on my chair and forget about the artist for a year or two. The tanks to be will have progressed until then, the standalones will remain a standalone, the series might receive better naming to see which parts are linked, etcetera. It’s not like I was challenged for quality content to share on a daily basis ^^
Kept thinking of Fujiko from Lupin while skimming this.
Missing an “Anal” tag. There’s also blackmail here and a cute high-school girl as well as lingerie (I lose track of all the tags, heh).
We also have plot here, and Olivier is correct: This story is told in a non-linear fashion.
Bottom line: Great. MILF. Sex.
Lots of it.
But the story falls just short, not because of the non-linear nature of the story, or the twists and turns, but because of some complete logic fails that can only be discussed by going into the actual story spoiling it. So on that note:
Seriously, if you just here for the MILF, then you can read without trouble, but if you want to fully enjoy the ride, check back after reading the manga, because despite its failure, it’s still pretty good.
Okay, here’s how this story plays out: Our MC, Shinichi has been hypnotizing his mother, Mihori, with a sketchy drug given to him by his doctor. he gives the drug to his mother whenever she has these strange headaches. It’s a drug that enables her to become absolutely hot and willing for her son. She wants it from him, bad. It also ups her sex drive, and the result is amazing.
As the story progresses, we see that the husband is suspicious of his wife’s new sexiness, and has his sister, Natsumi, try to find out if Mihori is cheating while he’s gone on a 2 week business trip. But Natsumi finds the tables turned when she joins sis-in-law in the shower, and after a weird dream, she leaves with a promise to return in a week, but not before getting her boyfriend to bug the house with mics and cameras.
As the story progresses, we learn the reason behind Mihori’s headaches: One night, coming home from a class reunion, a very drunk Mihori is given a sleeping pill by Shinichi, who then takes the opportunity to do what he’s longed to do: have sex with his knocked out mother. But Mihori’s memory was impaired, causing the headaches, resulting in the need for the medicine, and meeting the doctor for the first time.
Throw in the cute president of the photography club who has a crush on Shinichi, a homeroom teacher who has the hots for Mihori, and last but not least, 2 dirtbag minions led by an ultimate level scumbag who hates all women and wants to prove that they’re all sluts underneath by having sex with them and turning them into his slaves (you know, like every other Japanese boy his age), by either seduction through tricks and lies, blackmail, or when all else fails, drugging and raping them while videoing everything. He’s scuzzy enough to trick the cute Prez that Shinichi hates her, and even have as one of sex slaves the mother of one of his minions (surprise!). And Mihori is his next target.
But Mihori is taking too many of the drugs, her sex drive is spiraling out of control. She’s no longer the in-control but sex loving woman we met at the start, but a sex addict who’ll do it with anyone. Shinichi is torn by remorse over what’s happened to his mother, and is trying to prevent her from sleeping with other men, his greatest fear.
But his homeroom teacher had discovered some of the plot to blackmail Mihori, a woman he idolizes and wants, and calling her to school to discuss matters, she seduces him, which Shinichi overhears.
Riddled with guilt, confronted by his sexy aunt, whose solution is to get him to stop screwing his mom, and to have sex with him so that they have a secret to share that can’t be told to her brother/his father, so he won’t worry about her ratting him out somewhere down the line, and Shinichi comes face to face with his feelings for Rin, the photo club prez, who he’s accepting of after her losing her virginity to the scumbag…
At which moment, the scumbag and his minions are making their move on Mihori…
And here’s where the (almost) final twist comes in: As we witness Mihori giving in to depravity and pleasure, we see that by lighting some aroma candles, she’d hypnotized them, and that she’d actually avoided being raped by them, candles provided by the doctor.
For you see, Mihori had not lost her memory: She knew that the night she came home drunk, that Shinichi had raped her. After looking around she stumbled across the doctor, who points out that a major concern is Shinichi drugging her, a criminal act, and one likely to be repeated on other women. The solution: Mihori should fuck Shinichi to the point where he’ll reject her and go to another woman.
In other words, Mihori has been acting the entire time. The sketchy drugs being given to her? Fakes. The whole idea is to get Shinichi to realize his actions in drugging Mihori were the cause of mom’s madness, so that he’ll reject doing it in the future. He never hypnotized Mihori; everything she’s done was of her own free will. And we see that Mihori’s own past included her own father attempting to rape her, which led to her parents’ divorce, with her husband noting that Mihori felt that if she’d just endured the rape instead of preventing it, the family would’ve not broken up.
We end with a 10 years later segment: Shinichi has married Rin, the homeroom teacher has also married (to the prostitute who resembled Mihori? Hard to say) and is on his 3rd child. And we find out what happened to the scumbag trio; for those who’ve ever wanted justice against these types of scumbags, well, here ya go, LOL! Shinichi tells his mom how much he’s come to understand how much she sacrificed for him, since becoming a parent himself, and so while his wife, daughter and father are down at the riverside at the onsen resort the family is staying at, after telling her that the best sex he’d ever had was during that time, and that he knows she feels the same way, he proceeds to have sex with Mihori, whose resistance can’t even be called tissue thin before she gives in, as the last thing we see as she shuts the sliding door is a smile on her face.
Now, there’s hentai logic at work here, of course. That’s not the problem. The biggest plot issue I have is Mihori fucking the teacher. It can be argued that she did that so as to show Shinichi how out of control the drugs HE gave her has made her. But for that to be true, she has to count on her seeing her as she walks past the door of his class, and that he’ll leave class to follow her to witness the act. That was a real overreach by the author. It can be argued that this was all just a hallucination by Shinichi, and that Mihori plays along with it to increase his guilt, but it’s played as if it happened even 10 years after. Either way it’s a fail, since the author should’ve either not included it, or cleared up the confusion
As to the rest, one can say: “Wait! The idea was to get him to stop fucking his mother, and they just paused it for 10 years!” Well, no. The idea was to prevent him from taking women against their will by drugging him, preventing him from becoming like the scumbags. When we see Mihori for the first time after 10 years, what’s she doing? Looking at a nude picture of herself that Shinichi had taken. The doctor didn’t care about whether Shinichi was screwing his mom, but to correct his criminal tendencies.
As for sex, we get loads of Mihori, who is hotter than the sun, her 29 year old sister-in-law, Natsumi, who’s also sexy, two other MILFs, and high school girl Rin. We get actual sex, as well as dreams and hallucinations at times. Though the source of any hallucinations is an issue for much of the story, as we later learn that the medicine is supposedly a fake.
In the end, we gets 502 pages of smoking hot MILF, and a story which is so long, I think the author lost track of things and didn’t quite cleanup certain things, or else he overreached. But if it’s flawed, and imperfect, it’s still good stuff, from a hentai universe perspective, and one that works on a lot of levels. To protect her son, Mihori unleashes her full sexuality, going places that surprise even her, something we only understand at the very end. We also get just rewards for the scumbags, something that rarely happens. This, of course, is simply an application of hentai reasoning to this story, not real world reasoning, where at least half the characters would deservedly be in jail for rape, blackmail, drug charges and the doctor would’ve lost his license. It’s in many ways a ridiculous story when it comes down to it, but that doesn’t change the great sex we see, and the real feelings mother Mihori has to protect her son and family.
Well her family with the exception of her husband, right?
WOW! That was really long! I haven’t really been reading anything that has a long story like that in awhile now since Honna Wakou’s Nozoki Ana
I only have a few questions.
So the only time the mother got raped was when that kid used the drug? Then she became worry and went to the “doctor” and assess the situation that he may become a sex criminal one day? So all that other sex that he had with her was just an illusion just like what happened to the 3 guys? What about when he saw the Teacher having sex with the mother?
Only thing missing was what happened to the father. Did he came back and what? It was at the last day, yet they skipped to 10 years afterwards.
So he married the Photography girl, but still lusts her mother. In the end, he probably isn’t a sex criminal. Just someone who has too much of a mother complex.
LOL, the three douchebags were hypnotize to having sex with one another. That’s one way to really fuck you up XD
For some reason, I’ve seen Kojima Miu’s work, yet there’s only one here at this site?
His cover reminded me of Makibe Kataru work
I thought they were the same person and all.
That was a good work! Not interested in the whole rape thing, but I usually turn my brain off during those moments.
Good stuff!!