Girls by Night + Bonus [English, Uncensored!], an hentai doujinshi parodying the Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure series, the Stone Ocean arc, by Karasu

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 4 comments

For her responsibility in the end of Stone Ocean, Hermes deserves no less than having sex with a tactical nuke.

Here is a Jojo hentai doujinshi, fully uncensored, with decent enough art, not destroying the original manga’s style and uniqueness O_o
Shit like that is as rare as getting snow on Christmas in my country.

To sum it, we’re in the Stone Ocean arc, in jail, Jolyne and Hermes Castillo (the girl I hated most in the whole Jojo franchise, starting a monologue instead of finishing off a villain, I blame her for the wreckage we witnessed at the end of the arc, I shall never forgive the mangaka and Hermes for allowing Okuyasu to stop existing) start having some yuri time, and chance has it Emporio was passing by, it becomes a threesome with vaginal and anal.

I’m not gonna lie, the drawings are very particular (especially Hermes, argh), but objectively speaking, the drawings in Jojo are bizarre themselves, so we didn’t go from beautiful to ugly, we went from a shade of weird to another, so, eh, why not? Bonus erojoules if you’ve got a fetish for hairy pussies.

Regarding the “By Karasu” part, I am troubled. I have the gut feeling this isn’t the same Karasu as the one whose works I already share on Hentairules, the latest being
Miurijima at the moment: the art doesn’t look the same, so I will *suppose* this is just an homonimy.
Likewise, I have no idea who released the volume. I found it at a private place, could find the same release on various sites such as e-hentai, but I’m not sure who should be thanked for this, sorry! T__T

And now, the download & gallery links :)

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery

Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(39 MB, 36 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3

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5 years ago

A pierced sunken nipple? I’m pretty sure that’s not how it works, since piercing is one way to cure a sunken nipple, but somehow I have the feeling that Reality isn’t exactly a selling point in this story!

5 years ago

That’s not the same Karasu.

5 years ago

Too many weaves, these ladies are slaves to braids.