Agnes-san Oshigoto Desu [English], an hentai doujinshi parodying the Tiger & Bunny series, by the 2 mangakas Namboku & Tohzai, under the hougakuya circle name
Reading the scenario of Tiger & Bunny on Wikipedia made me want to discover the series, it seems pretty interesting. Would someone have an opinion on it, you’d say it’s worth it?
Anyway: here’s a good doujinshi for this series, focused on a female T&B character, Agnès Joubert, a TV announcer. In the first part she’s a dominatrix (this time, as a gentle woman catering to the deepest needs of her bondage customers, she lets them turn the tables on her exceptionally), in the second part a female studio assistant gives her a massage that becomes futanarisexual ( ̄ヮ ̄)┌
Graphically, it’s fucking sweet, bursting with talent, with barely annoying faint amounts of censorship.
You’ll get to enjoy 2 different art styles, as 2 mangakas collaborated in the making of the volume, Tohzai and Namboku. I must tip my hat off to their work, they didn’t overwrite the Agnès Joubert to do us a Tohzai, a Namboku, no: they respected the character and adapted to how she had to look like, would you see the difference? So much talent, I loved it
It’s been released by CopyOf, many thanks!
By Namboku, I also share Follow X Follow + Let’s Work Magic, Koibito Lover – For Sweet Lover (220 pages, awesome !), My Lover’s Rule + Climax, Round 3, Inyoku No Ensousha and, included in a pack of other works now belonging to Koibito Lover, Zeon De Gouf Gouf.
And for the Tohzai part, see The list of Tohzai’s works on Hentairules
And by both Namboku and Tohzai, also under the Hougakuya circle name, I also share Round 08. It makes my management of hentai volumes complicated, sigh *__*
And now, the download & gallery links 
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery
Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(16 MB, 26 pictures, English)
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Tiger & Bunny is a good series. Very slimier to My Hero Academia.
Tiger and Bunny is Western-style superheroes in an Eastern setting. Due to clever writing, they have the same powers, but use them vastly differently. In a nutshell, Tiger is all heart and not enough thinking while Bunny is all head but basically uncaring. So Bunny saves people because that gets him points, while Tiger saves people because that’s what gives his life meaning. After a lot of fighting, they DO start learning from each other!
I thought the product advertising of the heroes was hilarious because all those companies are actually real companies, that are really paying advertising dollars! And yeah, who wouldn’t pay money to get Blue Rose’s attention? Or at least try to cop a feel and risk frostbite!
I think you’ll be pleased with the anime, there was some amazing depth to the story. Along the way you learn backstory on some of the villains, the dark side of the hero that Tiger idolizes, details on both of the heroes lives, even dirty secrets of the city itself. Oh, and watch for the girl in the scarf, aka Scarf-tan, who was just a side character, a normal citizen of the city. But then the fans started going nuts for her and the animators went back and added her to lots of scenes that she hadn’t been in originally. One of my favorite characters!
The woman in this doujinshi is the producer of the show and she is hard as nails. Her as a dominatrix is just playing to type! It’s fun to see her contrast with Tiger because he couldn’t care less about the show, he just wants to help people. Meanwhile, Agnes actually tries to get the heroes to hold off on saving people sometimes because hey, ratings! But I always thought she was a scorching hot milf so thanks for this contribution!
It’s like someone combined superheroes with WWE and pop idols, and threw in a buddy cop movie for giggles.
I found it funny for a bit, the heroes in the series are clever and fun.
It was a nice little binge series, nothing too deep.
read a bit, similarities to hero academia and one punch man but older and has a more classic/western release anime vibe – above comments are bang on with the wrestling and advertising comments but it predates the clever social media bits of “the boys”. good read, usual heart vs logic MC frivals but i found it enjoyable with often relatable bad guys and a slightly perverse system that almost discourages heroes teaming up or focussing on crime. Can’t say i’m at all interested in this DJ though.
Its a very good watch, one of the highlight of its season. It has all the ingredient of a good show and used it well: nice OST, loveable cast, good stories.
Also, Oliver, I can’t believes you haven’t watch Code Geass either. Do watch it. Classic material right there, even when it derailed, it still managed to be an entertaining trainwreck. And it done one thing many shows failed to do: have one of the best ending in anime history .