Ohgi Good Job [English], an hentai doujishi parodying the Code Geass series, by Ao Norimaki

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 5 comments

Good job keeping the thighhighs

Trusting a Code Geass wiki, Kaname Ohgi and Villetta Nu (here, there) are married at the end of the series.
The present share must take place a long time before that (reminder: I’ve only known Code Geass through hentai and hasty wikis ^^), as Ohgi and Villetta live together but are still very awkward around each other, and aren’t lovers yet. Of course: “yet”, you’re reading hentai :3
How it begins: the girl asks the boy to scrub her body because she’s wounded and can’t take baths, he’s embarrassed but accepts, and the evident sign she was down to fuck is that she got naked, except that she kept her thighhighs.

No vanilla (but signs it’ll come eventually), it’s just sex afterwards. I must be frank, the drawings are mediocre, they’re amateurish and the woman’s body sometimes look weird.
But, hey, that’s part of the charm to me, that it wasn’t “pro”, it felt fresh. In itself, it was original and felt pleasant to read for this reason… (Not sure I’m making sense with you, sorry…)
In addition, the manga is written to make us sympathize with the male MC, it was a bit funny, that part also felt heart-warming ^^

Red_Piotrus, Ultimaflaral, Erelzen and Shinko, from the E-H Cove, are behind this release, thank you!

And now, the download & gallery links :)

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery

Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(27 MB, 29 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3

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5 years ago

Interesting find!

That was a different drawing style from other Code Geass doujins. Or maybe i got used to other styles, like the Noise series which you already have some of the ten or so there is translated. https://www.hentairules.net/2019/05/10/english-rangetsu-office-noise-code-geass-vanilla-hentai/

5 years ago

About the situation between them, she lost her memory and is on the opposite side of the war of him. They are not really lovey-dovey till way later after she recovers her memory, and then they become a bit like Romeo and Juliet.

This story itself isn’t bad and provides some good comedy, but sometimes the drawings are amateur looking which is both good and bad.

5 years ago

The original release for this doujinshi dates back to as early as 2013. It took SIX years for someone to both find and be interested enough to translate it, huh?

BTW, Oliver… Remember “Muramata-san no Himitsu”, the doujinshi with the split-tongued girl? There’s a second chapter of it, and it’s been translated.


5 years ago
Reply to  MarqFJA87

And I’m sitting here wondering where I put that after downloading it … oh, of course. “Weird Shit”.

5 years ago

All I know is Netflix has Code Geass now, not sure if it’s the original, or how many series of the story there are.