Bittersweet [English], an hentai doujinshi parodying the Darling In The Franxx series, by Puyocha

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 3 comments

Happy deflowering, boy whose name I never remember!

I may be missing on plot, as I’m not familiar with the Darling In The Franxx series, from what I can tell we watch the two main characters from the series, Zero Two and her male partner. He discovers her past memories of being group-raped, she feels defiled and thinks she doesn’t deserve to be with him, he tells he doesn’t care as he loves her, and then they have all-day sex, this is it ^^

In terms of drawing quality, this might be the best Darling In The Franxx doujinshi I’ve read to this day, you can tell the two characters care for each other, there’s subtlety and talent in the art, it was nice.

My thanks, for this release, go to Snipetress, Haruto and Pet Recna, from Cat On Heat Translations :)

There’s plenty more for you on The list of Puyocha’s works on Hentairules!

And now, the download & gallery links :)

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery

Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(37 MB, 25 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3

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5 years ago

Well, about all I know about this anime is that it’s the future and everything is fucked up. As usual. Giant CG monsters roam the land and a bunch of kids have to fight them in their giant mechs. The girl from this story, the eloquently named Zero Two, is half-monster, has psycho-high dexterity, and kicks monster ass. But everyone thinks she’s a freak and hate her. She and this dude fall in love at first sight and kick more monster ass. Oh, and episode 2 was so funny with the perverted metaphors that I thought I was going to cough up a lung laughing.

** spoiler for episode 2 **

The girls turn into motorcycles and the guys mount them and guide them into battle, steering with the handles on the girls asses. It took me two more episodes before I worked THAT one out!

5 years ago

Ah … that oft-times used trope of hot ‘n’ heavy sex (preferably between two people who at least have genuine feelings for each other, if not outright love) … guaranteed to overwrite and expunge from one partner’s mind (if not both) any lingering memories of rape, abuse or other such negative experience. No substantiating evidence to suggest that it could be used in real-life instances.

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5 years ago

Weird, this hentai parody almost perfectly summed up the first half of the DitF storyline/plot.