Pack of 6 works by Harukichi [English, 139 pictures]

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 3 comments

A sister waiting for her brother. Ah, the beauty of hentai ;)

Just a few days after my latest Harukichi share, a whole bunch of 6 other volumes came out, you won’t hear me complaining ^__^
I didn’t find those volumes memorable TBH, but there’s worth in them, and some of them are uncensored, to make it more worthy. Here’s to hoping you’ll find them, or some of them, to your tastes :)

Namely, those volumes are:
Cheer Haru (Uncensored version), a parody of the good old Suzumiya Haruhi SOS Brigade series. Man, that brings back memories.
Ku-neru Sumata 3. Did you know the Kuneru Marta manga series? I never heard of it before, it doesn’t even have a wikipedia page unless you speak Portuguese O_o For what it’s worth, feed on MyAnimeList or a random manga reader, if you want. Anyway, that Marta working at a brothel.
Ku-neru Sumata Nude (Uncensored version). That same Martha, this time streaming porn for token donations.
Mizugi Shishou To Koibito Ecchi Suru Hon. Fate Grand Order’s Scathatch with her Master.
Namahame Try (Uncensored version). That one’s a Gundam Build parody, in which a sister and a female teacher join forces to deflower a lucky male MC ^^
Shishou O Haramaseru Made Derarenai Simulator. A disappointing volume, graphically speaking, about Scathatch wanting babies.

I didn’t find all the credits information, but at least, I can tell thanks to Junk Translations, Petra_lal, Master117 and Trash, from Awesome Sauce Translations, and Densetsu No Meru! :jap:

By the same artist (besides the name Harukichi, I also saw Haruhisky and circle Royal Bitch), I also share Online Marriage, Futari No Kyori, Natsu Kaze (“Summer Cold”), a pack of 5 Uncensored works (Ane Wa Oyaji Ni Dakareteru 1 + Bunny Shishiou Ga Damasarete H Na Oshigoto O Shichau Hon + Ku-neru Sumata 2 + Ku-neru Sumata 6 + Shishou O Haramaseru Made Derarenai Simulator 2), Ane Wa Oyaji Ni Dakareteru vol. 2 (82 pictures, Uncensored), and Amairo Voice (“Sweet Love Voice”).

And now, the download & gallery links :)

Complete pictures galleries:
Cheer Haru (Uncensored version)Ku-neru Sumata 3Ku-neru Sumata Nude (Uncensored version)Mizugi Shishou To Koibito Ecchi Suru HonNamahame Try (Uncensored version)Shishou O Haramaseru Made Derarenai Simulator

Download the Free Hentai Mangas in a Zip file
(190 MB, 139 pictures, English)

The occasional rant about excessive file sizes: combining all 6 volumes, my downloads were a HUGE 560 MB total size, because of the crazy high res images, one volume had images 7600 px high, and 4 others had 6213 px high pictures.
So far, only 2 persons told me they had monitors with that kind of gigantic picture height. For everyone else, I deem it as needlessly big. I allowed myself to shrink the images to 3000 px before sharing, this is very high resolution already. And with that, the archive’s size fell to 190 MB, 370 MB smaller :)

Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3

Smaller version incoming!
As of usual when ☑ the images are in high enough resolution and ☑ the archive is quite big for its number of pictures, and ☑ it offers a significant gain, and ☑ I have enough time to do it, if it may help, I’m offering you a smaller version, in which I resized the images to lower-standard 1600 px resolution. Originally, the images in the volumes were, in alphabetical order: 7600 px, 1200 px (those images were just slightly recompressed), and then 6213 px in the 4 remaining volumes.
The zip shrank from 190 MB to 61 MB.
Personally, I prefer it for reading, and it takes less disk space.
Download links, Zip: Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3 – or – Mirror #4

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4 years ago

Cheer Haru is one of my favorite Haruhisky works. Nice to see it uncensored.

4 years ago

Kūneru Marta (くーねるまるた Kūneru Maruta?) é uma série de manga escrita e ilustrada por Jing Takao. É publicada na revista Big Comic Spirits da editora Shogakukan desde 6 de agosto de 2012.[1] Na Indonésia, o manga é publicado pela editora Elex Media Komputindo desde 2014, sob o título de Delicious Days with Martha

Kuneru Marta (or Maruta) is a series of Manga written and illustrated by Jing Takao. Is publised in te magazine Big Comic Spirits, from the publisher Shogakukan since August 6 2012. In Indonesia the manga is published by the publisher Elex Media Komputindo since 2014, under the title Delicious Days with Martha.

I hope this helps you.

4 years ago

It was like a Whitman’s Sampler of hentai, only all the candies were the chocolate covered coconut ones.