Kirisu Sensei Ga Oshieru Hokentaiiku [English, Retouched], an hentai doujinshi parodying the “We Never Learn” (Bokutachi Wa Benkyou Ga Dekinai) series, by Akapenguin

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 6 comments

Oh no! I accidentally cropped the image right above the super huge censorship bars! My bad!!

That Bokutachi Wa Benkyou Ga Dekinai (“We Never Learn”) doujinshi had good vibes ^^
It’s starring Mafuyu Kirisu, a female teacher who has a personality problem: she has a good foundation, but she’s stern and socially awkward, which makes her look rigid and also makes her unable to turn down requests. Here, she’s asked to take over a colleagues’ sexual education class, and what does our thick-headed woman do? Call Yuiga-kun, the male highschooler and main character of the series, to have sex with him, so that she may at last possess first-hand experience of the thing she will teach ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌

As sex becomes more intense, what I hoped to see happens, Kirisu becomes womanly, at long last! She stops being stern, stops pretending, and simply accepts that it feels good to be a woman having sex. A transformation worth watching for sure =)

For the rest, it’s pretty decent sex, although with too much black bar censorship to my tastes.
FYI, I retouched a little the images: grayscaling (there was a reddish tint otherwise), surfaces smoothening, and a small levelling.

Release credits are for Yukikaze D, Eli-Nyan, Obscur1ty, Kokokbeluk, Swindles and Black Dhadow, from DKKMD Translations, thank you!

I’ve got more for you: see The list of Akapenguin/Asahina Hikage’s works!

And now, the download & gallery links :)

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery

Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(39 MB, 27 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3

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4 years ago

I’ll choose this time around to avoid the potential fierce battle regarding who is the “Best Girl”, and state that this was pleasant enough. As to why Kirisu-sensei called on Yuiga as she did, to give a possible answer to Oliver’s earlier observation, I politely suggest … wait for it ….. “BECAUSE HENTAI!”
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Kurzwaltz Messer
Kurzwaltz Messer
4 years ago
Reply to  MHM

With the manga author going for a route-split/omnibus format, the answer is “Everyone is the best girl”.

4 years ago

That could spark an Oprah meme of sorts, if it hasn’t been already done somewhere by someone, but I myself won’t start it; personally, I was calling it the VN (visual novel) style of multiple endings.

Come to think of it, will the bro-con sister (Miyuki) get a “best girl” ending route? Guess time will tell.

4 years ago

I do admire an author who understands the characters and their sex appeal. Sensei is in her track suit because that’s normal for her slouching around the apartment, but then she changes into her work clothes for the sex! And Yuiga would sooner cut his own throat than waste a good pair of pantyhose by tearing them, so she has to carefully remove them. Then the author throws a shot of Sensei on the cover in stockings, God bless ’em!

4 years ago

Hi there, Oliver! Just to inform you that the links to Juan Gotoh “Doutei Kaikin” lead to a broken rar file (77 mb instead of 85 mb), but the one in the Gigatorrent works fine.

4 years ago

Not bad, but it looked like she was being fucked by a striped boomerang.