Boku No Daisuki Na Oba-san (“My Beloved Auntie”) [English, 207 pictures], by Itaba Hiroshi

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 8 comments

Quite the sight, right?

Here’s a pretty good tankoubon by one of the most reliable well-known hentai mangakas, Itaba Hiroshi :)

This time, basically, we follow a male highschool student around whom a number of women revolve. His sexy MILF neighbour, her teenage daughter, their neighbouring busty onee-san who became a teacher at the boy’s school, and finally his bossy “no refusal accepted” aunt.
Each of those women willingly offer themselves to the boy (it’s kinda funny, they all think they’re his first ^^;;), and they all imagine they’re The One for him, not imagining there is competition.

That was an original route choice, halfway between brainless harem and douchebag kingdom. Our healthy male MC doesn’t mean harm… But, having grown up surrounded by free neighbouring pussy, he takes those free pussies for granted and doesn’t realize he’s being selfish and oblivious to other people’s feelings.
It’s only in the end (I’m glad, I wouldn’t have seen it coming) that he mans up and becomes a decent guy, that wasn’t bad at all thanks to this conclusion :)

And graphically: guys, it’s Itaba Hiroshi, you should know what it means at this point! :D Meaty bodies, pretty good sex with detailed drawings (and, bless whichever deity is concerned, pretty unobtrusive censorship), rare X-rays, even rarer ahegaos, pubic hair, and just vaginal sex, looking great all along :twisted:

This is an Amoskandy release, thank you very much for yet another fine scanlation!! ^_^

For more, please Cf. the list of my Itaba Hiroshi shares.

And now, the download & gallery links :)

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery

Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(286 MB, 207 pictures, English)

I allowed myself to very slightly recompress the images before sharing. You won’t notice any difference with the naked eye, but now it’s only 286 MB instead of 483 MB =)

Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3

Side note: page 3 is a lie, and it’s a real pity :D

Smaller version incoming!
As of usual when ☑ the images are in high enough resolution and ☑ the archive is quite big for its number of pictures, and ☑ it offers a significant gain, and ☑ I have enough time to do it, if it may help, I’m offering you a smaller version, in which I resized the images to lower-standard 1600 px resolution.
The zip shrank from 286 MB to 111 MB.
Personally, I prefer it for reading, and it takes less disk space.
Download links, Zip: Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3 – or – Mirror #4

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3 years ago

Itaba Hiroshi has been a long time favorite. Nice to see more of his get translated. Another artist that knows how to draw a good MILF.

3 years ago
Reply to  loplop

Не только у него великолепные MILF получились! У автора этой манги! Прочитав давным давно назад первые четыре части, я думал, что неплохо мальчик этот устроился! Три взрослых дамы, подруга детства. И все – целиком и полностью доступны этому зажравшемуся маленькому гадёнышу. Но! Прочитав уже всю мангу целиком, я был приятно поражён, что у мальчика нашёлся твёрдый стержень в характере. Он прямо и чётко заявил сильно недооценивавшим его окружающим, что он собирается сам жениться на этой даме! И даже решил вопрос с сильно ревнующей дочерью, сохранив при этом двух своих других любовниц взрослого возраста! Которые предпочли признать свой статус. Манга уже уникальная. Мало, очень мало таких. Обычно, хентай манга японцами используется как рисованные анекдоты про жизнь обеспеченных семей и элиты. Японцы, как и мы, русские, в отличие от вас – северных германцев – таких как англичане, норвежцы, шведы, а так же – ваших кузенов из-за Океана, очень хорошо понимают тонкий юмор, иронию и сарказм! Немцы, кстати, иронию не понимают совсем. Увы!
Так вот, японцы даже нашли у себя заменитель русских матерных слов и выражений. Притом, так, что это отличная замена!
Простые японцы – отличные люди в быту. Понимают юмор, очень смешливые. Но! У них, как у вас, англичан, элита – та ещё. Увы… Её там – очень не любят. Японцы так же очень не любят тех, кто работает на американцев и американские корпорации, оттого постоянно у них фигурируют самые доступные дамы именно на фоне флага ваших кузенов.

3 years ago

Women were hot, especially loved the focus given to the big-breasted teacher’s nipples. They went from sunken to fully erect like hidden headlights on an 80’s sportscar.

Sex was meh though, it’s like no one in the story had time to screw in a bed, mostly fast food type fucking.

3 years ago

Ну что ж… Если отставить всякие физические взаимоотношения в сторону, я поражён! Притом, приятно! Мальчик, в кои веки, в таком то жанре, нашёл в себе не просто смелость, а твёрдый стержень чётко заявить о том, что эта женщина, которая его сильно (впрочем, как и остальные, кто его окружает) недооценивала, та, с которой он хочет связать свою жизнь! Более того, он смог разрешить ситуацию с её дочерью, которая очень сильно ревновала. Уникальная, благодаря этому, манга! Для манги вообще, а не просто хентай манги! В коллекции – как пример – быть должна даже у тех, кто хентай сильно не любит. Просто как пример!

3 years ago
Reply to  alexAP

Translated upper comment.

Well… If you put all physical relationships aside, I’m amazed! It’s nice. The boy, in this forever, in such a genre, found in himself not just courage, but a firm core to clearly state that this woman, who is strong (however, like the others who surround him) underestimated, the very one with which he wants to connect his life! Moreover, he was able to resolve the situation with her daughter, who was very jealous. Unique, thanks to this, manga! For manga in general, not just hentai manga! In the collection – as an example – should be even those who hentai strongly does not like. Just as an example!

3 years ago

Translated upper comment.

He’s not the only one who’s got great MILFs! The author of this manga! After reading the first four parts a long time ago, I thought that’s a good boy! Three grown ladies, a childhood friend. And all – completely and completely accessible to this gorged little bastard. But! Having already read the whole manga, I was pleasantly amazed that the boy found a solid core in the character. He bluntly and clearly stated to those around him that he was going to marry this lady himself! And even solved the issue with a very jealous daughter, while keeping two of his other mistresses adult! Who chose to recognize their status. The manga is already unique. There are very few, very few of them. Usually, hentai manga by the Japanese is used as a hand-drawn anecdote about the lives of wealthy families and elites. The Japanese, like us, Russians, unlike you – northern Germans – such as the British, Norwegians, Swedes, as well as – your cousins from across the Ocean, very well understand the subtle humor, irony and sarcasm! The Germans, by the way, do not understand the irony at all. Alas!
So, the Japanese even found a substitute for Russian mater words and expressions. Besides, it’s a great replacement!
Ordinary Japanese are great people in everyday life. They understand the humor, very funny. But! They, like you, the English, the elite – that’s the same. Alas… They don’t like her there. The Japanese also do not like those who work for Americans and American corporations, because they constantly appear the most accessible ladies against the background of the flag of your cousins.

General Hentai
General Hentai
3 years ago

A few points: 1) MC is dense as hell. 2) Great art, but the mangaka missed one hell of an opportunity here with ZERO threesome (or more) action, other than the tease with the artwork on the cover of the actual aunt and the teacher/onnee-san. and the art on the actual exterior of the book, that promises much, but delivers NOTHING!! Such a waste of wonderfully drawn women. 3) As hot as oba-san is, she basically wins because she’s been grooming MC for years. Sure, the title sort of gives it away, but the story never does anything to level the playing field.

The positive? Though here are plenty of flaws with the story, but the women and the sex are outstanding.

3 years ago

Regarding the main story, just IMHO, Another time and place, it could have had a messy, even tragic conclusion. Suffice it to say I can live with how it turned out in the end.

The bonus story afterwards … again, and strictly IMHO, it can best be summed up as:
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