Pack with the 4 “Sparkling Vacation” volumes [English, 75 pictures], by Pinvise (AKA Suzutsuki Kurara)
I’ve gathered here 4 volumes created by Pinvise, the Sparkling Vacation series.
Namely, each volume is called:
– Sparkling Vacation
– Sparkling Vacation @ Fes
– Sparkling Vacation @ Home
– Sparkling Vacation @ Home Plus
Save Home Plus (start with that one, it’s not the first in publication order, but it’s the first in story order), the 3 other volumes are in full colour. Each of them shows the carefree sex between a bubbly curvy girl, entering adulthood, and her 4 years younger male childhood friend (the age gap doesn’t make him a shota, but in one volume, the mangaka goes overboard, sorry about that), that she likes to tease and spend fun time with (of course, she won’t won’t admit it out loud, but she likes it more than as just a friend, etc.)
And… well, that’s it ^^ I wasn’t a complete fan of the colourization, and I feel Pinvise has done better volumes in the past, but that was still pretty neat and highly enjoyable
Release credits are for a good number of people, I noted along my read: Abs, Kirisaki_Shin, Danky, Ozen, Axalon, Osura, Odj, Meterion, Jumi, Final, RRR, Lyncs, Final, Confused, Doomr, Frostbite, Nuci, Sel, Sarah, Miaomix, Samwais, CapableScoutMan, Fyapper, A-Psy, NeVMiku, Megaton, and Longsworduser, from RedLantern TL. Thank you very much!
For more awesomesauce, see The list of the works by Pinvise on Hentairules!
And now, the download & gallery links
Complete pictures galleries:
Sparkling Vacation – Sparkling Vacation @ Fes – Sparkling Vacation @ Home – Sparkling Vacation @ Home Plus
Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(131 MB, 75 pictures, English)
I allowed myself to very slightly recompress the images before sharing. You won’t notice any difference with the naked eye, but now it’s only 131 MB instead of 353 MB =)
Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3
Smaller version incoming!
As of usual when ☑ the images are in high enough resolution and ☑ the archive is quite big for its number of pictures, and ☑ it offers a significant gain, and ☑ I have enough time to do it, if it may help, I’m offering you a smaller version, in which I resized the images to lower-standard 1600 px resolution. Originally, the pictures were, respectively, 3000 px, 3025 px, around 6050 px, and 3500 px.
The zip shrank from 131 MB to 34 MB.
Personally, I prefer it for reading, and it takes less disk space.
Download links, Zip: Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3 – or – Mirror #4
Young man (NOT necessarily young “boy”) achieves Man Of Culture/Lucky Bastard status with “Sexy Onee-san”.
Little else for me to say, except:
Good wallpaper, even for tiny man porn.
Didn’t know Pinvise’s real name, did he/she go mainstream like these other hentai artists?
Loved it – ready for the next chapters…
i know that the comment section is not the best place to say this Sir Oliver, but i’ve found a work by one Kidouchi Kon that is just a must read, and tought it would make a good share. The drawing are very amateurish, aint gonna lie, and i almost passed over it because of that, but OH BOY dont i regret reading the thing, as it has THE WORLD’S GREATEST and most realistic ending to any NTR work i’ve ever freaking seen!!
The name of that work is Soredemo Tsuma O Aisemasu Ka, and i believe that its one of those work where, while the art doesnt make it really useful as “Work” material, the story, and how it ends, is just worth the trek.
I apologize for posting this here, but i simply couldnt contain myself, that’s how much i think this story is worth.
I may give it a look, why not… But, man, you’re sure?
The only other work by this artist that I’ve read is Sex Education 1-2-3, and it left me with an abominable memory O_o
oh i definitely am! While it IS an NTR work, the main body of the story (and its something like 145 pages) being classic NTR (its 3 chapters) that third chapter is absolutely fan-fucking-tastic. It is THE BEST ending i’ve ever witnessed in any NTR work BAR NONE. And it is deeply anchored in realism, no bullshit wish fullfilment, hell, i’ve probably allready said too much!
But yes, i wouldnt even be pushing this forward at all on account of the not-really-on-par drawings if the story didnt make this completely 1000% worth the read.
But once again, the decision is up to you, oh most esteemed of Webmeister.
While Chinatsu definitely likes him, at times it feels like she treats him like a boytoy (or human vibrator). Then again, it’s mostly due to him not having the physique and stamina to keep up with her. I hope this series reaches a point where things a a bit more even between them.
Wow manga favorit, me now reading