Boku Ga Yorokobu 3B No Housoku (“The 3B Law That Gives Me Joy”) [English], by Gosaiji
I thought this “3B Law” thing pointed at a Japanese law related to evil things like rape or blackmail, but fortunately, I was mistaken.
Nothing bad here, those 3Ds are Beauty, Baby and Beast, the 3 ingredients that boost an ad’s effectiveness, NOT Big Boobed Beauty ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌
We follow a male MC who did his best to support a new female idol, today’s her first photoshoot for an ad, and things worked out perfectly. Hentai oblige, she manages to invite him to her home, and there, he discovers she’s got the makings, not just of an idol, but also of a dominatrix :3
It’s gentle domination, fear not. She treats him like a baby puppy, with only very light verbal abuse. So, yeah, it’s domination, but she keeps on pleasing him, there’s a billion ways it could have been worse ^^
And graphically, I’ve got zero complaints, the art was full of skill, intensity, care, gentleness.. what a treat!!!
Wataboutumi, Nero and ShotG and behind this release, thank you!
By the same artist, I also share Hatsugao, Sotsugyou Reward and Shujuu Reversi.
And now, the download & gallery links 
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery
Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(15 MB, 25 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3
It had all the makings of a fine story IMHO; Katakura-kun either being A Man Of Culture, or at least showing signs of becoming one, via his attraction to older women, plus Hanazaki-san being that older, and sexy (if-I-may-say-so) woman …..
…. and the artist-author has them indulge in “baby play”.
*Sigh* Well, some might go for that, and I’ll respect their choice. As for me:

Damn hentai Peter Lorre died for our sins.
This one looks like it’s tailor made for the “Thou shan’t stick your dick in crazies” meme.
Great sex, but the 3Bs reminded me of a WC Fields quote and the three things that Spike can’t stand in Cowboy Bebop.
People always say, “Don’t fuck crazy” but people keep fucking the crazy because of the crazy-hot and poor explanation of the rules. The real rule is only fuck crazy if 1)she’s crazy-hot and 2)she’s not stabby-crazy and 3)there are low odds that you’ll get turned stabby-crazy from dealing with her! This woman isn’t stabby-crazy, she’s horny-crazy, the best kind of crazy!
Thanks for the share ! Oh… 3B law… could also mean the Agreement between the European Union and Japan for an economic partnership ?
Seriously sometimess i’m lost with japan