Chounyuu Gakuen (“Academy For Huge Breasts”) [English, complete tank version, 233 pictures], by PIero
In the past, I already shared a manga called Chounyuu Gakuen. Clarification time!
Back in 2019, I shared a 180 pages long Chounyuu Gakuen that used magazine scans, while the present version is 233 pages long and uses tankoubon scans, with higher resolution images and better picture quality.
– The 53 pages difference is made of tank-specific contents (cover, backcover, all those beginning of volume pages), inter-chapter bonuses (like 4-komas, charts with commentary, more art), and also there’s in addition, in the end, one more chapter, and sets of bonus pictures focused on two of the girls.
– There’s a difference in terms of censorship, too. The first 50 pages had less censorship in the previous (magazine) version. After the 50th page, in the previous version, the censorship switched from “a few bars” to “full motherfucking whiteout”: the tank became the better version. Examples: before/after, before/after, and now past the 50th pic, before/after.
Watch out, this tank version still doesn’t include the sequel, Chounyuu Gaiden – Side Story.
And now, apologies for the wall of text, a summary
The manga combines several good ingredients: we’ve got comedy, harem, huge tits and dream butts, and volleyball outfits
Certainly, there are more than few a similarities with Distance’s Joshi Luck series, it’s about a male coach having sex with each of the girls he’s looking after, and the girls growing attached to him. But each mangaka has his or her idiosyncrasies, here, the focus is on the various shapes of the girls’ (always massive) breasts, on their shapely mighty asses (only rare mangakas can properly draw a girl giving an assjob, and, once, it’s used in combination with another pair of boobs for a double asstitjob, OMG)…
And then, the story type was the good kind of weird. It starts with that odd canvas, a school recruits girls with massive breasts for their volleyball team, with the argument they will use the inertia of their breasts’ delayed vertical upwards movement to perform a mid-air double jump. And then, well… PiEro’s originality and talent showed, although the plot stopped evolving much, the double jump was kinda forgotten ^^
We owe this release to a kind anonymous who commissioned Fated Circle for it, thank you!
By the same artist, whose name is written Piero, PIero or Pi-Ero, and who also uses the K.F.D. pen name, I also share Chounyuu Daifungoku (214 pictures, Uncensored!), Paicchu (mostly positive vibes, 213 pictures), Chichiyoku (dark tonality, 170 pictures), I Love Nyu (mostly positive vibes, 186 pictures), Shichinin No Mama (also comedy harem, 219 pictures), Atatamete Kudasai, Icchimainaaaa, a pack of 2 works (Chichiana + Musubi-tan Dai Pinch) and Hanekawa-san No Chichi Doujinshi.
Just a small quote, before the gallery and zips, I loved that one ^^
“She’s like a dual wielder with her breasts and ass!”
And now, the download & gallery links
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery
Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(314 MB, 233 pictures, English)
I allowed myself to very slightly recompress the images before sharing. You won’t notice any difference with the naked eye, but now it’s only 314 MB instead of 411 MB =)
Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3
Smaller version incoming!
As of usual when ☑ the images are in high enough resolution and ☑ the archive is quite big for its number of pictures, and ☑ it offers a significant gain, and ☑ I have enough time to do it, if it may help, I’m offering you a smaller version, in which I resized the images to lower-standard 1600 px resolution.
The zip shrank from 314 MB to 134 MB.
Personally, I prefer it for reading, and it takes less disk space.
Download links, Zip: Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3 – or – Mirror #4
Rejoice! biribiri has re-translated this Sabashi Renya tank ( to Actual Readable English as opposed to that…..whatever that previous “translation” was. Rejoice!
Uh, … OKAY.
“And (at least among the Sabashi Renya fans) There Was Much Rejoicing … YAY!”
*crickets chirping* But what are your thoughts regarding this work? 🤔
I was kinda late on catching up, but eventually, yeah. It was gloriously worth it.
The two story arcs even made sense, suddenly, who would have thought! It was nicely written, not too heavy on the touchy subjects (like: is the boy too young, is it cheating, is alcohol dishonest), with a pleasant light comedy mood. No complaints
You’re the dude, MHM.
Er, … actually I was asking Anony-mouse about his thoughts regarding the work by Plero-sensei. 😜
Oh, sorry, I was confused. I also thought you were talking about the Sabashi Renya book and thought it was evident I liked it.
About the Plero book? I liked it too. I think all the stuff I’ve read from him is good. Not a god-tier artist but there’s a lot to said for pleasant stories with busty women.
One of the best recent works! I haven’t felt this good reading since Sabashi Renya works, which kinda reminds me of his/her art tbh!!
Godlike stuff!!
Even the laws of physics get defiled in this one.
The Kibisawa girl (page 128), also makes an appearance in another work alongside the principal.
Page 190 of Shichinin no Mama. Could be a prequel where the principal took notice about Kibisawa in the first place.
Even crazy how Kibisawa also plays volleyball in both stories. So this is literally the same character
She’s my favorite girl tbh! Perfection!