Hazukano [English, Upscaled version], by Arsenal
I was greatly fond of this Arsenal release, however there was one tiny issue: the images were damn small, only 1000 pixels high, what the hell?!?
I took it as an opportunity to try the picture processing tool called Waifu2x, I heard a lot of good about it but always forgot to check it out. And indeed, it returned better results than anything I made by myself when trying with photoshop.
I didn’t think it would work so well: image data cannot be created out of thin air, you know. It’s always an extrapolation, call it guesswork if you will. And normally, enlarging a far too small small image produces no miracles, the picture looks blurry, dotty patterns look like shit, fonts look bad, details look weird…
But not here, Waifu2x did the job well, nice!!
So, here you are, with an enlarged version of Arsenal’s Hazukano
This is a very funny story about highschoolers in a weird relationship, as the girl is so shy she insists on wearing ridiculous masks, even during sex
I hope you’ll love the read, thanks to JATLFF for this one!
By Arsenal, I also share I, My, Me, Mine (199 pictures, Uncensored!), Hatsujou Sex Days (“Mating Sex Days”, 198 pictures), Devil Cherry Pie (198 pictures), In The Kneesocks Girl (210 pictures, Uncensored!), What His Little Sister Likes, Sexaroid Girl, Honorable Young Lady’s Knowledge On Sex, Mashiro Benkyoukai, and Hajimete No Otojou Jiri.
And now, the download & gallery links
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery
Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(19 MB, 20 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3
That said, if YOU know Waifu2x, may I humbly ask for a bit of advice?
I used the online tool, located here, for this manga’s images, with every setting at default.
But as I found afterwards, there is an actual complete software with a GUY that can be downloaded to our disks and ran from there, the current latest stable version may be fetched right here.
And my mental anguish starts here: with the local program, I could NOT replicate the excellent results the online tool gave. At best, among the many possible options, I got close to it.
Look at this picture I made, view it at 100% display zoom, you should see what I mean?
The most notable element are the blushing lines on the girl’s cheeks: the online tool preserves them neatly, my best attempt still had them almost eradicated into oblivion.
If it’s not too much to ask, if you’re familiar with Waifu2x, using this picture as basis, could you tell me how you, you’d manage to duplicate the excellent results of the online tool, which options/engine/etc are passed to processing?
Thank you if you can help, I’m dead curious ^^
Well, it’s to be expected of Arsenal, isn’t it?
The gist I got from all this, is Oliver found a a great enlargement tool and protection in the story involved facial coverage.
Oliver Embiggens 2021!
I didn’t find it, I kept on hearing good things about it for several years, but always found myself an excuse for not checking it out. Finally, it’s simple enough that getting the hang of what it is and what it does isn’t time-consuming.
For occasional operations like enlarging pics that are too small and normally upscaling does a shit job, I’ll definitely resort to waifu2x again.