Nengoro No Yado (“Intimate Stay”) [English], by Shinji Nora

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 5 comments

Only two panels with anal sex. Not enough to count :D

A man chooses a traditional Japanese guest house instead of a hotel as lodgings for his business trip: that was the best decision of the year. As he will find out, the proprietress needed dick, badly :twisted:

We’ve got excellent art (with huge black bar censorship, alas), with Shinji Nora’s amazing idiosyncrasies, this time MILF-themed, enjoy! ^_^
It’s been released by Blackgrunt, thank you very much! :)

By the same artist, Shinji Nora, also known as Pooca and as Shirano Jin, I also share No Condom Sex (247 pages, fully uncensored, AND ABSOLUTELY AWESOME), Virgin Killer (207 pictures, very good too ^^), Rio Sexy Gate, Genki Hatsuratsu! Otou-san, Kozumikku Trans, Paso Ga Nai (uncensored version), Kouman, the nice Ga-Chuku, XX Debut, We’re Having Mindless Sex, Makura, and Yuu Nee No Otsukai.

Quotation: “My goodness… you’re filled with all these juices here… it’s as if an octopus’s suckers are tightening around and sucking me in!
(WTF :lol: )

And now, the download & gallery links :)

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery

Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(11 MB, 17 pictures, English)

I allowed myself to very slightly recompress the images before sharing. You won’t notice any difference with the naked eye, but now it’s only 11 MB instead of 57 MB =)

Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3


Hey, everyone :)

You're with a post I have written, and scheduled, in advance.
I'm currently on holidays with the family, as far as possible from the internet and from city life. It's been a rough year (hasn't it been, for you, too?), I definitely need that time off, I plan to make the best of it :D

As I won't be here to fix stuff, I can only hope this share isn't broken or anything. But after all... everybody will testify I never make mistakes, or forget to add hyperlinks, or do silly confusions, after all. (you guys are so fucked lol)
So, yeah, I'm sorry, but if the unthinkable happened and I screwed up with something, deal with it ^^

Take care while I'm away, enjoy the beautiful days of Summer, make sure you only eat ass from Covid-vaccinated people, and meet you back in the first days of August! ^___^

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3 years ago

Apparently eating soft-shell turtle, pit viper, and oysters cause cluelessness.

Dude: “Although you’re cheating on your husband with me, you’re not allowed to cheat on me with other people, got it?”
Milf: “Oh, you betcha, I’ll be virtuous in my cheating with you, truuuuust me. Oh, and be sure to register well in advance.”

But she’s hot as a pistol, isn’t she?

3 years ago
Reply to  Pavlov

Hentai Logic ….. IT’S
comment image

3 years ago

Always look forward to a Shinji Nora work.

General Hentai
General Hentai
3 years ago

After reading Oliver’s vacation post: You forgot an “anal” tag. :)

General Hentai
General Hentai
3 years ago
Reply to  General Hentai

And after seeing the caption with the pic…HERESY!! ;)