Chika 30m No Mitsugetsu O (“Honeymoon At 30 Meters Underground”) [English, 192 pictures, fully Uncensored!], by Saigado
Holy canoli!
A complete volume by Saigado, 192 pictures long, fully uncensored, with awesome sex and an actual scenario, in English?!? PRAISE BE THE HENTAI LORD, BROTHERS!
And praise be an ehentaier called Omniscient Narrator, he’s the one who did the decensoring and translation
Super short summary: go for it, this is a quality release, you won’t regret it!
Sliiiiiightly longer summary: this volume combines several ingredients that oddly work together. There’s:
(1) Two sexy women drawn with god-tier skill (a younger one looking like a doll – a horny doll – and an older one with all the charms of adults, the delicate use of screentones finely enhanced their beauty, hats off, Saigado, hats off),
(2) a WTF scenario that eventually starts making just enough sense for us to go “what the fuck, what reason was that, how is it making any sense?!?” And, honest warning, the scenario isn’t over, the volume ends on a cliffhanger, there’s at least enough for a second volume, however I have no idea if or when it will be out.
(3) Food reviewing: I’m betting you 20 hentaibucks the mangaka is a foodie
Sorry for the wall of text, come on, check it out, it’s worth it!!
(For more stuff by Saigado, Cf. The List of Saigado’s Works on HentaiRules!)
And now, the download & gallery links 
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery
Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(117 MB, 192 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3
Ishoku-san normally has his Action Pizazz serials long enough to run two tank volumes, but this one went for quite a while. It just ended In the largest AP – there might have been enough overall to run to three tanks
those women definately needed some Vitamin “D”
Be sure to say “Holy Cannoli” when you have some really good gyoza or the best tunnel compound sex of your life
Just had my Birthday a few days ago (10/13). Feels good to be back
Gotta respect Saigado! One of the OGs for sure!
Glad he’s still doing work nowadays!!
Thanks for this!!!!
Four days late, happy birthday Prince ^^
I’m not yet halfways thru and it looks nice so far – apart from one thing: The typesetting of the speech bubbles. The letters are too big and monumental (getting Roman Capitalis vibes here), they just don’t flow with the art – at least not for me.
The way I eventually perceived it, the scanlator seemed to think “if I’m going to do this all, translating and decensoring, then I’m going to do it MY way, the way I please”.
Hence, the odd typesetting, no doubt fully matching what the scanlator must have liked, and the multiple speech idiosyncrasies, like that weird AF and yet glorious “holy canoli”
She’s adorable
was getting a “saya no uta” vibe from that, was hoping it’d go full eldritch crazy (may yet…)
What? Whaaat?? Whaaat??? That was a seriously awesome share. Tip top artwork, thoroughly absorbing story, nice looking women. I hope the sequel will be along soon. What a major cliffhanger.
Well, consider me lined up to follow the next volume, if or when it ever gets translated. In the interim, I’ll conclude:

It’s always weird when you get hentai with a plot, as the author has to balance out all the elements for all the different fans.
[Story] I found a secret passage like in Tik Tok and Newsweek.
[Porn] I fucked some chick in the sewer, where you find all the hotties.
[Info dump] I’m telling you a lot of stuff that’s actually useless!
[Random shit] I’m eating so much gyoza.
[Story] I have a backpack like Dora the Explorer!
[Porn] I found another chick to fuck!
[Info dump] Knowing about tunnels will change EVERYTHING! Except it doesn’t.
[Random shit] Black curry! Wow!
[Story] Here’s my life as a sewer chick.
[Porn] I may actually be a cum vampire. A cumpire? Jizz on my face!
[Info dump] Hold onto your ass, here it comes!
[Random shit] Did I ever tell you about the cult?
[Story] Look out for the subway!
[Porn] Time for a threesome! Psych! No 3P for you!
[Info dump] Let’s watch a curiously on-target news report.
[Random shit] Oh look, it’s a festival.
[Story] Uh-oh, we’re running out of pages. Cliffhanger?
[Porn] Hey, cum on my face some more, please.
[Info dump] You know what we need? More violence. Bruises!
[Random shit] Oh thank God, the cult is going to advance the plot.
This one looks to be a reader not a fapper.
Once in a while, following a manga or doujin story more for the Plot than for the Porn is fine, too.
Love the art and the sex is hot. I question some of the translation choices (“Holy cannoli”?), but story is good and can be followed (at least what little bits of the plot are given).
This really needs another volume released and translated. Hell, at this point I’d even take a censored version just so I can see where the story is going.
Don’t know if you’ll read this Oliver but there is a second volume that I don’t believe is translated.