Neighborhood Associations Part 1: Jichikai No Hitozuma Wa Totemo Ecchi Deshita. Fukukaichou Ichinose Mami Hen [English, grayscale Uncensored version + full colour still censored version], by Tsusauto (circle HGT Labo)
I still don’t understand how some people don’t get it, but, yeah, my Japanese isn’t much better than the average weeb’s, so I have no idea how we went from “Jichikai No Hitozuma Wa Totemo Ecchi Deshita. Fukukaichou Ichinose Mami Hen” to “Neighborhood Association“, the English version of the title. Anybody’s got a clue? ^^
Anyway. Here’s a pretty nice and, more than that, graphically original release, coming in two versions.
– Uncensored and grayscale (my own usual pick) or
– Full colour version with native censorship.
The story is bland but felt realistic (which always helps with immersion), a young man is railroaded into assuming the responsibilities of a neighbourhood association, fortunately there’s this stunning 29 years old woman, formerly occupying that seat, who offers to help with the numerous chores the job involves. For a while she pretends she doesn’t notice the male MC’s stares and it’s only coincidental that she makes slightly arousing gestures, until she eventually blows her “respectable” cover and superfucks him
But graphically… Oh boy, that was nice. Intense, compelling, not repetitive, and the expressions on the female heroine’s faces were always something else. Against my habits, I’ll praise the colour version for finely highlighting the woman’s best traits, her face looked better in colour than in grayscale, in my eyes.
Hats off
We owe this excellent scanlation to MisterJ167, thank you very much!
–Update: and now, there is a volume 2
By the same artist, I also share Nureane ~ Batsuichi No Ane To Sex O Shita Natsu No Yoru and the part 2 of Jichikai No Hitozuma Wa Totemo Ecchi Deshita.
And now, the download & gallery links 
Complete pictures galleries:
Grayscale and Uncensored version, or…
Full-colour but still censored version
Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(67 MB, 191 pictures, English)
I allowed myself to very slightly recompress the images before sharing. You won’t notice any difference with the naked eye, but now it’s only 67 MB instead of 199 MB =)
Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3
Maybe is for better not to know how they came up with translation for title, for our own sanity.
Pretty bold of you to assume I have much left in the way of sanity, Garm
The first word “Jichikai” translates to “neighborhood council” or “residents’ association”, and the rest is simply cut off because it’s too long. A rough translation of the full title goes like “The women of the neighborhood association are very perverted. Vice-president Ichinose Mami volume”.
As for translations, as long as you have the original Japanese title (自治会の人妻はとてもHでした。副会長一ノ瀬真美編), you can feed it to DeepL ‘s online translator, or use browser extensions like “10ten Reader” to translate it one part at a time.
– hitozuma refers to a wife, not just any grown-up woman.
– ecchi ( is more sexy/naughty than outright perverted (= hentai, see below).
– fukukaichou seems to be vice president (kaichou is chief, prez or similar.
– hen (as in hentai)means strang, “unnormal” or “perverted”. Can be used to describe someone “Ichinose hentai desu” or insult her/him. Didn’t find anything that links Hen to volume, maybe you meant 本 Hon, which would be book?
I’d say (cut me some slack here):
Neighborhood’s wife are very/totally sexy/naughty. Vicepresident Ichinose Miami pervert(-ed is.)
Welp, included another link. Alfred, to the spam cave!
It’s “hen”, the same kanji used in “zenpen” and “kouhen”. Maybe I should have translated it as “chapter” instead. Then again, I did mention that it was a rough translation.
You’re right about hitozuma being “wife”.
IMO “Neighborhood’s wife” isn’t correct, because the original title refers to the neighborhood association/village council, not just ordinary neighbors. There’s a second, yet-to-be-translated sequel involving another woman, also a member of said council.
Bottom line: the original title is too wordy, and the chosen English title, while not a word-per-word translation, works well enough.
My bad, I forgot to add the assossiation part – and thanks for clarification in the “hen” part (cluck cluck – darn homophones :-).
I guess the other chapter will be with on of the representatives missing in the initial meeting? If things drag on, he might inseminate half the neigbourhood…
In spite of most of what I’ve read or heard about the topic of fidelity or infidelity with respect to marriage relationships in general in Japan (and I don’t automatically assume that if something is in print, it must be absolute truth), I personally and honestly don’t condone or endorse cheating on one’s partner. Nonetheless, I won’t deny that the content of this story was HOT.

Pages 62 and 89 stuck in my memory.
If this story will be over with this, i maybe don’t complain soo much, the problem is than continue with other wife less daring. So unfortunately for me, this is already going to become a saga (and I hate sagas). The problem I see is that ……. I don’t know if there was a need for it to be a cheating story, especially when the subject is not mentioned (some similar to “SHOKA NO MAKUAI DE” in GARDEN, the TANKOUBON of KURONOMIKI).
I love this work! Probably one of the best MILF characters out there
Very detailed and nice!
I actually read it both in Color (first) then Black and White.
I actually prefer the Black and White for some reason. Not just being uncensored. There’s just something so good in reading it in its original form ^^
We definitely need more colored works for sure!!
I’m glad you finally gave this one a looky, which I tried to get your attention pointed at roughly 7 months ago.
But, OMG is this hot as hell!!!! Highly recommended for anyone into hot adult women!
FYI: The title translates as: “A married woman from the neighborhood association was very naughty. Edited by Vice President Mami Ichinose”