Sei Naru Fukuin [English], by Tamabon

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 7 comments


That story was insanely hot, but also fucked up.

We’re in a setup in which there’s a male priest offering shelter and prayers to whoever needs the support of the Church, and that includes a particular nun, a former female demon who resists her ever-growing sexual urges thanks to the power of faith.

Of course at this point there’s an obvious conclusion, the female demon will go “fuck it, I want dick” and the priest will conclude the Church’s rules are more like guidelines anyway.

Except, that, nope. The nun and the priest are both deranged in their own way, they reject lust to the point of wearing chastity belts! And when the nun finally goes “fuck it”, the priest still resists verbally and has a mental breakdown while his lower region does the job.

I don’t know… If you can discard the story and focus on the art, go for it, that girl is insanely hot. If the story matters to you, those “wrong side of Tuna Empire” vibes were off-putting, to me…

See for yourselves! ^^ And thanks to Cgrascal!

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2 years ago

IN-terestingly enough, if one pays attention to Fr. Michael’s dialogue as his own mental breakdown progresses, one can see signs of certain *koff-koff* indoctrination methods employed on him at a young age.

Overall Conclusion:
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2 years ago

Give in to the darkness.

2 years ago

Dark-Skinned Nuns … when cookies are not enough with which to “seal the deal.”

2 years ago

Many (of course not all) religious churches in real-life is not much different from that… there have been reports and investigations about certain churches turned themselves into brothels to serve the high-rank politicians… and of course there are systematic pedophile rings, too.