Pack of 7 Uncensored works by Higuchi Isami, circle Steel Mayonnaise [English, 148 pictures]

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 11 comments

Let us not look too closely at what the scenario means

I gathered here 7 volumes drawn by Higuchi Isami, from the circle Steel Mayonnaise.
They make up one single scenario open to sequels, showcasing “flesh maidens” who offer themselves to some unnamed god, and in exchange obtain the power to use fucking to dispel evil. Basically, we’ll have a WTF setup about evil spirits and possession during a few pages, followed by group sex during 10 to 20 pages, typically ^^

Namely, and in reading order, these works are:
Niku Miko No Utage (AKA “Steel Mayonnaise 17”)
Niku Miko No Utage Ichi – Zouhoban (“Steel Mayonnaise 17+”)
That one is actually the same as Steel Mayonnaise 17, only with a different cover. Fuck me, I didn’t realize before I uploaded the zips and collected the hyperlinks, for Pete’s sake :( I’m sorry for the waste of bandwidth and disk space for you guys!! T___T
Niku Miko No Utage Ni ~ Nure Ochi No Nie (“Steel Mayonnaise 19”)
Niku Miko No Utage San ~ Yougen No Inshuu (“Steel Mayonnaise 20”)
Niku Miko No Utage Yon ~ Houkou No Bakubou (“Steel Mayonnaise 21”)
Niku Miko No Utage Go ~ Wazawai Ochi No Yokoshima Nie (“Steel Mayonnaise 22”)
Niku Miko No Utage Roku ~ Yuushuu No Koyou (“Steel Mayonnaise 23”)

Story-wise, well, it’s weird but it’s essentially forgottable. Graphically, on the other hand, this is god-tier orgies we’re shown, with anal, double penetrations, excellent art, and all of that fully decensored :twisted:

Check it out maybe? The sex was fapworthy!
Release credits are for Anon, Potano, Kotana and Zoneling, from Hennojin, thank you :jap:

By the same artist, known as Steel Mayonnaise and Higuchi Isami, I also share Steel Mayonnaise 11 and Oshaburi-kan Mesu Kashima-san.

Hentai collectors, FYI, two of my past shares have become obsolete thanks to the present pack.
I used to share the still censored versions of Steel Mayonnaise 17 (“Niku Miko No Utage“) and Steel Mayonnaise 19 (“Niku Miko No Utage Ni ~ Nure Ochi no Nie“), you can safely remove those old versions now :)

And now, the download & gallery links :)

Complete pictures galleries:Niku Miko No Utage (and just that ^^, SM17 for Steel Mayo 17), followed by Niku Miko No Utage: … Ichi – Zouhoban (SM 17+) – … Ni ~ Nure Ochi No Nie (SM 19) – … San ~ Yougen No Inshuu (SM 20) – … Yon ~ Houkou No Bakubou (SM 21) – … Go ~ Wazawai Ochi No Yokoshima Nie (SM 22) – … Roku ~ Yuushuu No Koyou (SM 23)

Download the Free Hentai Mangas in a Zip file
(252 MB, 148 pictures, English)

I allowed myself to very slightly recompress the images before sharing. You won’t notice any difference with the naked eye, but now it’s only 252 MB instead of 488 MB =)

Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3


Smaller version incoming!
As of usual when ☑ the images are in high enough resolution and ☑ the archive is quite big for its number of pictures, and ☑ it offers a significant gain, and ☑ I have enough time to do it, if it may help, I’m offering you a smaller version, in which I resized the images to lower-standard 1600 px resolution. Originally, the image height of the pictures was around 3030 px for five volumes, and around 1800 px for two volumes.
The zip shrank from 252 MB to 91 MB.
Personally, I prefer it for reading, and it takes less disk space.
Download links, Zip: Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3 – or – Mirror #4

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2 years ago

Basically they copied the same hook as the AXZ group did with the Angel Stroke series. Give ’em a eye-popping cover, then recycle the same story.

Girls used as cleaning utensils.

Flesh dishrag…check!
Flesh duster…check!
Flesh squeegee…check!
Flesh mop and bucket…check!
Flesh broom and dustpan…check!

Gonna need gloves and a lot of hot water for this one.

2 years ago

Forgot to mention these galleries are recently decensored.

2 years ago

Oops… just say your mention. It’s usually highlighted in the page title.

2 years ago

Damn… just “saw”…

2 years ago

332 and 333 are the same it seems?

Kurzwaltz Messer
Kurzwaltz Messer
2 years ago

What’s unusual is that “Zouhoban” means “Extended edition”, but it’s exactly the same length as the original version.

Also, there’s a 7th installment to this series, but it’s neither translated nor uncensored as of now.

And damn, this artist is old. There are references to doujins published as far back as 1992(!!).

2 years ago

The other thing to mention is these are out of order but easily fixed, just number them 1, 1+ as in “Niku Miko No Utage 2 Ni” and the manga will sort properly.