Flag Kaishuu Wa Totsuzen Ni (“The Puzzle Pieces Are Suddenly Coming Together”) [English], by Simon
Real life men and women: fucked if I know who I talked to a week ago.
Anime, manga and hentai men and women: I perfectly remember, ten years ago, that conversation I had at the age of 5 with a random anon ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
So, yeah, we’re with the stereotypical trope of the fated girlfriend falling out of nowhere onto the male MC’s lap, but who am I to complain, the drawings were cute, and the recipe worked, that was pleasant and touching vanilla
A quick note: I found it was possible to join 2 pages, but forgot to add the result to the archive I’m sharing. So, if you want it, sure, here are the pages 26 and 27.
This is a Nisor release, thank you very much!
For more, don’t miss The list of the works by Simon/Saimon/NS Craft on Hentairules!
And now, the download & gallery links 
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Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(52 MB, 31 pictures, English)
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“My senpai senses are tingling. I must transform into Kohai-chan!”
MC wasn’t expecting some sort of Kouhai Inquisition …..
Overuse trope or not, I love dessert so this is perfect.
Kept thinking of the phrase, “no good deed goes unpunished.”
He helped out a girl, doomed to have a girlfriend. As far as punishments go, not so bad.
Still better than falling in love because of a pencil eraser. LOL