Harinezumi No Dilemma (“Hedgehog’s Dilemma”) [English, 56 pictures, parts 1-2: the story is complete!], by Maeda Momo (AKA Momozumi Jun)
In the first pages of this two-parts manga story, the main male character describes his female childhood friend as “prickly”. They used to be close, but now, she’s all thorns and apparently angry whenever she watches him.
… Yeah, okay, it’s a see-through plot device and everything is predictable already, but it works, right?
So here we are, with vanilla tsundere on our hands, served with decent art sporting mostly (by 2022 standards) bearable black bar censorship. It was a pleasant enough read, in my opinion ^^
Release credits are for Keesuz, from Clog Translations, thank you!
By the same artist, I also share Onee-chan To No Asobikata.
And now, the download & gallery links 
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery
Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(32 MB, 56 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3
At least until she softened up in the second half, we were for the most part dealing with … wait for it, ….. a Tserious Tsundere FMC.
*crickets chirping*
… I’ll just leave this here on my way out.
Oof, man that hit like a stun gun.
That hits like a tsundere’s ballistic-launching uppercut.
So here’s my dilemma; was the girl the hedgehog because she was prickly, or was the guy ironically the hedgehog because he would shell up around women?
To me, that was the girl. She was the one spiking whoever came close, while the boy was more akin to a volatile burying his head in the sand.
(I was outraged the day I learnt it was an urban myth that ostriches bury their heads in the sand, it’s still pissing me off)