Jitsumai Ni Shimasu Ka Soretomo Gimai Ni Shimasu Ka (“With Your Real Sister? Or Perhaps With Your Step Sister?”) [English], by Studio Katsudon

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 2 comments

No idea which of the two sisters it is. They're too similar.

It had been almost a year I didn’t share a Studio Katsudon release, it’s nice ^^

In this share, a happy brother gets to fuck both his blood sister and his step sister, in a non-exclusive relationship, no holds barred. You won’t need to overexert your neurons this time ;)
Graphically, I feel Johji Manabe has drawn better, the two sisters were hardly noticeable from each other, but it remains the good stuff.

Enjoy! And thanks a lot to Ultimaflaral, Gangsta, Red and Klorpa, from the EH-Cove! :jap:

(I share lots of works by Johji Manabe, the main artist behind Studio Katsudon,
cf My list of Studio Katsudon shares)

And now, the download & gallery links :)

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery

Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(73 MB, 49 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3


Hello there :)

The post you're currently reading has been written, and scheduled, in advance.
I'll be on holidays with my wife and kids, deep in the woods, taking a (hopefully well deserved) breather. It will feel good :D

As I won't be available, I won't be able to fix stuff, I can only hope this share isn't broken or anything. But who am I kidding, I always let something slip, so if you're with a post in which I screwed up something, you're fucked, deal with it ;)
(That said, I'll bet I won't screw up *that* much. I'll see when I get back ^^)

Take care of yourselves while I'm away guys, I hope you have a fine summer, and I'll be back in the early days of August ^__^

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2 years ago

Agreed … seen better artwork, but it’s still nice to once again see work by Studio Katsudon.

And while I have no meme pic right now, the sentiment still applies:

“Isn’t That Cute? … BUT IT’S WINCEST!”

2 years ago

Can’t remember if I’ve ever read an uncensored Studio Katsudon work.