S-ken K-shi Shakaijin Joshi Volleyball Circle No Jijou 1 (“Affairs Of The Women’s Volleyball Circle Of K City, S Prefecture 1”) [English, 222 pictures], by Yamamoto Zenzen
Joshi Luck vibes. So many Joshi Luck vibes
We’re with a typical harem manga, in which a young man becomes the club manager for a women’s volleyball team. You’ve got young adults (including the carefree “marching at the heat of her own drum” female childhood friend who recruited the male main character) and MILFs that look like they’re 30, tops.
Chapter after chapter, the male MC has sex with more and more women, until the finale in which he’s doing every girl at once.
It’s not *exactly” the typical harem trope, I’d say. Our poor guy is treated as a walking dildo: the women aren’t evil, they treat him kindly, but they’re not hiding he’s essentially a useful convenience for their needs. They’ll assume he’s always horny because he’s a man, so his consent is implied (look, swap genders, and now how does that sound, hmm? Yeah.)
There’s only first girl, the childhood friend (and, no doubt, future wife) who’s doing a better job while the other girls watch the future lovebirds with an understanding smile.
Graphically, this is NOT like Distance’s Joshi luck at all
The girls are on the heavy side (not sure I’d call them plump, but there are definitely panels in which every one of them looks plump), the contrasted drawing style and screentones strongly accentuate their volumes and shapes, we also see their pubes a lot, so I’m not sure it will be to everyone’s tastes… Your call! At least, there’s hardly any censorship, which is always nice.
We owe this release to Brolen, MU2 and Megaton, thank you!
And now, the download & gallery links
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery
Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(391 MB, 222 pictures, English)
I allowed myself to very slightly recompress the images before sharing. You won’t notice any difference with the naked eye, but now it’s only 391 MB instead of 809 MB =)
Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3
Smaller version incoming!
As of usual when ☑ the images are in high enough resolution and ☑ the archive is quite big for its number of pictures, and ☑ it offers a significant gain, and ☑ I have enough time to do it, if it may help, I’m offering you a smaller version, in which I resized the images, here from around 3000 pixels high, to lower-standard 1600 px resolution.
The zip shrank from 391 MB to 108 MB.
Personally, I prefer it for reading, and it takes less disk space.
Download links, Zip: Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3 – or – Mirror #4
It looks like Moms Volley, from Kuroki Hidehiko.
I’d argue Moms Volley is better – both art and story-wise.
It’s Distance on acid.
The downside is than is a very long series (still today, ZENZEN make chapters) and gets boring easyly. Reminder a lot to DISTANCE last works, work than he still today never finished and he constantly make chapters.
FYI, there’s an untranslated volume 2 out there.
Miss you Oliver, hope al is well.
Third guy saying it. I’m touched, thanks, guys.
Life isn’t easy right now, but I’m keeping my nose and mouth above water level, let’s say ^^
Hope everything is ok Oliver and its just a big pile of “life” trying to take over everything…
Oliver, hope everything’s fine with you. Come back soon!
Frankly, a lot isn’t going on well, and I’m having to tend to other people’s problems too. Lastly, one of my family member has completely lost his shit and now I’m keeping his son with us for a while, he sleeps in the living room, where I’m normally reading my hentai, preparing my shares (and fapping, too), which makes it a lot harder for me to do those activities now…
Wishing you good thoughts and strength, Ollie.
FWIW, thank you ^^
Glad to know you are ok and it’s just life hurdles. Hope everything works out soon, your wellbeing both mental and physycal comes first.
Oddly enough, the fact that it is a close relative who completely lost his shit, it has had a sobering effect on me. I’m not doing allright, and life’s presented me its fair share of shit, but all things considered, it’s nothing I can’t endure with the good old grin and bear attitude. I take what little escapism I can, and stick to enduring until it gets better. Someone else has given up, that’s enough drama for everyone until much later.
Alright, now this is the good stuff. Hentai is sorely lacking in women with full bodies and full bush. The main female lead is phenomenally well drawn and had a great personality as a semi-tsundere. The way Zenzen draws the male lead eating her out is *chef kiss*. I particularly enjoyed chapter two, four, and seven. All the ladies are drawn fine as fuck but with eight of them I’d argue that’s too many. We don’t get enough time to enjoy them individually before jumping to the group fuck.
Does anyone know if someone is currently translating volume 2? I would be willing to send some funding for that worthy endeavor.
P.S. My best to Oliver. I hope you get through whatever troubles you are dealing with.