Natsu No Yari Naoshi – Inaka To Hanare To Bijin Shimai (“Starting Over Again In The Summer – A Detached Cottage In The Country With Beautiful Sisters”), volumes 1-2-3 [English, 290 pictures], by Asakawa (circle Suiren No Yado)
It’s all about how you spin it.
A story canvas can be fully stereotypical (a male MC who left his two female childhood friends behind, now coming back as an adult) and still allow to deliver perfectly fine hentai. Embroider the story canvas with a combination of vanilla and overcoming a sense of self-sacrifice, adorn it with some of the most powerful and visually striking action I’ve seen in a long time, and voilà, you’ve got some fine-ass totally worth it hentai
Personally, I was impressed by the art, with ballistic, almost tectonic action (there was powerful smacking and swinging), by the way the mangaka skilfully represented entranced faces (the “nothing else matters for the next 12 hours” kind of face, you see the idea?), and how the two women resembled neolithic idols in all their hourglass glory.
Still, I must warn you, the censorship is murder. I had to focus on the faces and hourglass aspects to avoid looking too closely at the censored genitalia, TBH ^^;;
Release credits are for Brolen, with NU2, NSFWSB and MILF Supremacy, and Shiromaru#5048. Thank you very much!
And now, the download & gallery links 
Complete pictures galleries:
Natsu No Yari Naoshi – Inaka To Hanare To Bijin Shimai…
volume 1 – volume 2 – volume 3
Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(189 MB, 209 pictures, English)
I allowed myself to very slightly recompress the images before sharing. You won’t notice any difference with the naked eye, but now it’s only 255 MB instead of 511 MB =)
Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3
Joshua Christos, there are too many speed lines, zooms, and moist blobs in this one.
I was constantly accosted by fluid dynamics and hentai inertia.
And I forgot to mention the censorship.
Yes, but thanks to that it was harder to notice the censorship
(at least for me. But, I think, in all situations, I’d have enjoyed it. I found something I didn’t know I liked so much when it’s well done, huhu)
Their chinese spy ballons didn’t make it better…
And that last page – in vol 4 he’s gonna get the mom, too, and dad will be in another universe >:-p
That’s almost something I’m regretting. The story should have ended before the mom showed up.
It’s going to nuke the vanilla notes, I’m afraid. Dumping an “elite” who’s never her for his wife and hasn’t even touched her yet, okay. But a wife cheating on her buddy (first red flag) and becoming a harem member (where’s the vanilla anymore, second red flag), I’m not too enthusiastic
Well we don’t get a look at the mother’s hands to see a ring, so it’s possible the mom wouldn’t be cheating.
But even if that’s the case, I agree with you. The manga is complete as is, there’s no need to get the mother involved and make it weird. =\
I have the same feeling – it seems like she may be widow or had a divorce etc. (mainly she doesn’t have a partner). Then again, I agree with Oliver too – I don’t think vanilla tag may be put again after the next chapter (because there’s no way there’s no continuation) because the story goes into harem territory. Then again, maybe we’re thinking too much and the story presented will be vanillish in itself? I mean, even those 3 chapters are a mix of everything I say (though I like humor – the best part was when Aoi said to MC about Suiren being NTR’ed from him.. I mean, I laughed real hard thinking whats gonna happen next). We will see
Even with the censorship, this is one of the hottest things you shared recently. The sexual enthusiasm and emotional frustration is a very heady mixture.
This is glorious! Masterpiece! Thx Oliver, truly wonderful work!
Netori part ruins everything. Well, incest part also, but maybe im tired of this harem/incest/milf plots.
“Viva Freedom!” was a breeze of originality.
Volume 4 came out march 10th, watch out for an english translation!
I don’t know if I must be thrilled or worried (art, the two sisters, but the mother, argh!!!)