Daraku Kanojo (“Depraved Girlfriend”) [English, 201 pictures], by Totoyama Keiji
I can write there are plenty of good drawings and excellent panels in this 201 pages long manga, made of single unrelated chapters. And this will be true, plenty of pages are fapworthy, with only very little censorship getting in the way.
But… damn, the stories suck so much, my arousal died and never came back. How to say… Have you ever met those weird “nice guys”, who adhere to this sliiiiightly incel train of thought that it’s normal to get back at women for, errr, I don’t even know, being women? That they should “know their place” and stuff like that? That’s the mindset here.
Women may have boyfriends, aspire to happiness, nurture hope – preposterous! It’s high time for alpha males to use every available trick in the book to remind them they’re essentially here to welcome dicks inside them
If you like stories such as these, or you simply don’t care about the scenario and you’re here for the fap materials, though, this volume should return satisfactory results, I believe, so then, you fap away, you proud motherfuckers =)
Release credits are for Doujin-Moe, thanks are an order.
And now, the download & gallery links 
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery
Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(84 MB, 201 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3
The girls in this one get about as much respect as a dollar bill in a strip club.
Yeah, and this “get back at women” incel mindset… Urgh.
Which is weird, I’ve read mindbreak mangas, sadistic male keikaku master mangas, or full “spiral of corruption” mangas, and they didn’t annoy me as much as this one.
Not sure why this gets so little love… Yes the stories are appalling (might have been better to read this without the translation), but the girls drawing, positions and pleasure faces are simply gorgeous, and I’m a big fan of the body types displayed.
I think it’s linked to how much we involve ourselves, emotionally speaking, in the stories. Some people can maintain a superficial involvement where they keep the best (the drawings) and don’t mind the worst (incel vibes). Some others have a very hard time maintaining that separation, and unless the story is something they like (to each his own), the art can’t be enjoyed at all then.
I’ve talked left and right about it, and it’s really a strong difference between readers, like a personality trait.
Fair point, to each his own.
I suppose I am mainly interested in aesthetics in this matter, and this piece hits right on. Hope we’ll get to see more from this artist in the future with better stories, so that others can appreciate the work.
That middle panel in your thumbnail reminds me of the old saying, “Don’t let your deal go down.” Never trust the devil to keep his word.
And yeah the drawings are amazing but that misogynistic stuff really turns me off.