Ero Sukebe Power! E.S.P.! Volume 2 [English, 192 pictures], by Ozaki Akira

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 2 comments

And now I wonder, has Ozaki Akira already drawn a woman WITHOUT an XXXXL pubic hair bush?

Colour me impressed for the second time, regarding Ozaki Akira.
With this second volume of “Ero Sukebe Power”, we have once again been gifted with BOTH
– hardcore hard only bearing a tiny bit of censorship (black bars not hiding much, instead of the usual lightsabers and complete whiteout)
– a full-volume scenario, now spanning across 2 volumes :shock:

When you like Ozaki Akira, this is a godsend. Thank you so much for the effort, Ozakifan, you rule :twisted:

In case you’re new to the series, please start with the volume 1. To sum it up, we started by following a young man in an academy for people gifted with supernatural powers, and of course it turned out that being aroused was the key factor to improving their skills. Come now the volume 2, the male MC has started working, using his powers to protect peace, and still improving his control over them (while fucking left and right non-stop :lol: ).

I hope you’ll like the read, to me, it’s the best the mangaka can offer :)

Fore more, don’t miss The list of Ozaki Akira’s works on Hentairules!

And now, the download & gallery links :)

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery
(If you need a quick memory refresher, HERE‘s the gallery for the volume 1.)

Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(108 MB, 192 pictures, English)

I allowed myself to very slightly recompress the images before sharing. You won’t notice any difference with the naked eye, but now it’s only 108 MB instead of 210 MB =)

Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3

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1 year ago

I’m really happy that you enjoyed these 2 volumes Oliver!
Even though I’m a huge fan of Ozaki’s works (duh), I have to admit that these 2 volumes are perhaps the best of the best he’s ever done (that I’ve read/translated). Hopefully some of the works left to translate can reach similar heights.
Once again, thank you so much for the encouraging words and for spreading the love both in general with all ero-mangas and in particular with Ozaki’s works!

1 year ago

Lightly censored OA works have a much higher sexual wattage than whiteout OA, but the plot insanity is still lethal.