Witchcraft [English, God-level hentai, 215 awesome pictures], by Yamatogawa, has been updated to its UNCENSORED version

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 18 comments
in Categories: Just Talking

I could fap to this a hundred times and come back for more. THIS IS GENIUS !

Please, chain me to a radiator and talk to me in German. I deserved it. I’m a bad Oliver.
I’m so sorry, I don’t know how I screwed up like that.
I had the uncensored TANK version of Witchcraft on my disk since the distant day of its release, 3 years ago, but I never remembered to update my share of it on Hentairules : until today, the version I was still sharing was the censored version.

Let’s cut the discussion short, I fixed the links, the Witchcraft tankoubon that I’m sharing is, from now on, the uncensored version. Woot !

Witchcraft, Tank version, UNCENSORED, is available HERE !

(I have more details to add, scroll down in my post to see them.)

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Uncensored version of Girigiri Sisters [English, 227 pictures], by Gunma Kisaragi

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 22 comments
Gunma, I LUV you =)

AWESOME ! Thanks to all the good work of the admin of Z-hentai, Giri Giri Sisters is now FULLY UNCENSORED ! :twisted:

My thanks go to Iznogoud (who found the HQ higher rez version of Giri Giri Sisters, the difference is BIG, see the comparison !), Saha, Fordman and Z-hentai, this is a pure jewel :)

Synthetic summary : Giri Giri Sisters is now fully uncensored. About the picture quality, half of the manga (more precisely the chapters 1-2-3-4 + the final chapter) in higher resolution, with better picture quality.

And graphically… Giri Giri Sisters is a killer (would “a genocider” still carry some sense ?), with fresh verrrry sexual teens having great happy sex, in sexy poses, sexy outfits (uniform and swimsuit fetish YES !), instant-boner faces… I can’t get enough :D
This is pure genious, please get it, you will NOT regret it :3

(I share much more stuff by this genius, Cf The list of Gunma Kisaragi’s works)
Hey, how about dropping to Z-hentai’s place for a few tons of thanks ?

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Adieu, Kentaro Miura, and thank you

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 22 comments
in Categories: Just Talking

What a sad news, Kentaro Miura, author of the Berserk series, passing away.

If you last read Berserk a decade ago, check it out, there’s been more since then. While it’s regrettable the series will never reach an ending, perhaps it’s enough that there was so much talent, beauty, inspiration and originality in there.

If you never read Berserk at all, check it out, come on! Despite the first volumes looking okay at best (it’s also valid for the scanlations, the first scanlations were an horror, there are better ones now), it gets so much better soon enough, the manga is one of the few actual masterpieces.

And, well… goodbye, Miura sensei, I hope there’s a something after life ends, and that you are happy out there.

Hentairules is now 13 years old! :D

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 40 comments
in Categories: Just Talking

Soon out of the middle school porn zone!

Wow, this is it, Hentairules has reached its 13th full year of existence, the domain was created on the 17th of December 2006 :)

I don’t announce you a carpet bombing of crazy kinky stuff even though the website has officially entered “-teen” age, I’ve been on the web for long enough to know it would only encourage the weirder stuff internet is capable of to come back to the surface, please don’t rule34 a website, thank you :lol:

I’d say, across all those years, the site has served as a wonderful support for my mood, I’d still have spent tons of time on hentai even if I had no blog, so I have every intent to keep on going in the future.

Although, come to think of it… If you have website improvement suggestions (or want to contribute, like posts in which you present stuff dear to your heart and that you think reader-worthy? Or pretty much any suggestion, after all!) I’m open to new ideas.
I’m also open to commission ideas, if you think of something 100% WAFF vanilla, or comedy-oriented, with minimal censorship, do let me know, too :3

I hope you guys enjoy the ride too, so let’s get along for another year! ^_^

Late, but still: happy 16th birthday, Hentairules! ^___^

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 29 comments
in Categories: Just Talking

I find it hard to believe, and yet, yeah, Hentairules has reached its 16th birthday. I created that blog on a 17th of December, 2006, a billion and sixteen years ago. Happy birthday, Hentairules! :D
You may now think of whatever sickly joke about stuff a 16 year old can do, that would have been more problematic at a younger age, I probably thought them all already :3

My goals haven’t changed much, sharing my love of hentai with fellow degenerates, acting kinda like a curator if I feel  like it, shitposting on twitter, venting about whatever stupid stuff I had in mind, after all, between hentai lovers, there’s bound to be weird tolerance, right ;)

Sixteen years dealing with weird people like you reading this post, I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world, it’s precious to me, thank you for having been, and being there, guys :) Hugs and all!

Still… Shiiiit it’s been a long year for me.

Family almost exploding by accident or by mental breakdown a pair of times, finding myself a temporary foster parent, work earning less than before but I’m 1000% into imposter syndrome and feel horrible whenever I send a resume…
And any time I look at a calendar I wonder how many hours of sleep I could squeeze in all that mess – not enough.
Hentai, my best mental crutch after my wife and kids, has suffered greatly, there just aren’t enough hours in a day and, when there are, I have less privacy than before and I can’t do my stuff whenever I wanted (private anecdote, that also means less faps, I’m catching up in 2023, my body is ready), so I can’t spend as much time as I need with hentai too. TL;DR my mental health has taken a toll, I look forward to 2023 with great hopes.
And yet, I’ve seen others having it worse, I can keep with the “grin and bear” for however long it takes, so, eh, let’s grin and bear for a wee longer ^^

Take care, folks :)

Redirection Page : Hisasi’s Works on HentaiRules

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 19 comments

Superbly cute picture, eh ? CANNOT UNSEE ATTACK : let's delicately forget this is supposed to be a man, from the only gender bender chapter of the volume :D

Hisasi (sometimes written Hisashi) is one of the Vanilla Masters… and I love him for that :D You might also have also heard him referred to by his circle “Neko wa Manma ga Utsukushii” (ねこはまんまがうつくしい) or simply “Nekoman”.

Hisasi’s almost always drawing “old enough” girls having extremely happy sex, while being mutually in love with their partner and caring for each other. If I should try to find Hisasi’s idiosyncrasies, it might be the “punch drunk with love and lust” expressions and the incredibly abundant body fluids liberation happening at the end of the coitus (in my opinion, that last aspect allows to cheat with the censorship)…

Also, unlike most popular hentai artists, Hisasi took a hell of a long time to release his first tankoubon, Porno Switch. But even before his first one came, Porno Switch, he was already wildly popular thanks to his abundant hentai magazine publications and doujinshi parodies.

                 english hentai      

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Wait, Hentairules is 14 years old now, really?!? :D

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 49 comments
in Categories: Just Talking

She said yes!

I love that feeling of incredulity, but yeah, the domain was created on the 17th of December 2006, Hentairules is now 14 years old :kickass:

I’ve posted a bit less daily contents those last months, I’ve re-balanced how much time I spent on my various hobbies, but in case you wondered, fear not, I intend to keep up with my blog for many years still :)

Last year, I mentioned something, I’ll do the same this year: if you have suggestions for Hentairules, don’t hesitate to throw them in a comment. Be it for website improvements, or things whose translation I ought to commission (but if it’s too censored, or not comedy/vanilla, or Fakku grounds, nope), or other stuff, go on =)

And with that… Only two weeks left till the end of this accursed shitty year. Let’s hang in there, guys, and hope the year doesn’t have a last bad surprise in store for us! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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