Kochira Momoiro Company Volume 3 [English, 216 pictures], + a repack with the 3 Kochira Momoiro Company volumes (649 pictures) in another Zip file, by Ozaki Akira
Aaaand here’s one that I was gonna forget about until the universe’s heat death, were it not for the message a kind twitter user sent me about it: Kochira Momoiro Company has had its 3rd and final volume out! ^__^
Across those 3 volumes, we watch two women running an odd jobs agency, while they, and the various people orbiting around them, all have sex on many an occasion, while helping out various (weird) people.
We have the Ozaki Akira fundamentals, the 24/7 smiles whatever happens or almost, the brains-free non-commital sex, the casual lewd touching and talking that is perfectly normal in this version of the hentai world, the full whiteout censorship. They are combined with this series’ own idiosyncrasies, such as the always unpredictable comedy and amusing characters (I loved that quote: “She looks so happy even her forehead is gleaming!“), and, alas, the rather poor image quality.
All in all, I personally liked it, more than the average Ozaki Akira volume: I don’t read them for the seggs anyway, it’s more like a +/- balance between the comedy bonus points and the creepy assault malus points
I won’t claim it’s an absolute masterpiece, see for yourselves
Release credits, for all 3 volumes, are for Ozakifan, thank you once again, dude, you rock!
Fore more, don’t miss The list of Ozaki Akira’s works on Hentairules!