Archive | Complete English Mangas

The stuff that’s the hardest to come by, unfortunately!

Raikou Shinki Igis Magia II – PANDRA Saga 3rd Ignition [English, 228 pictures], by Erect Sawaru

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 5 comments

Dark skinned nekomimi = best girl

Please correct me if I’m mistaken, the Pandra series goes in that order, right? First, Pandra 1-2, making an initial arc, followed by Shinkyoku No Grimoire – Pandra Saga 2nd story, second arc, after which there’s the current still ongoing arc, made of Raikou Shinki Igis Magia – PANDRA Saga 3rd Ignition, the present volume, “Raikou Shinki Igis Magia II – PANDRA Saga 3rd Ignition”, and there’s one last third volume incoming to bring it to a close?
Did I get this right?
Edit: so, this present 3rd arc, it’s actually got 4 volumes, 2 of which have yet to be scanlated. Duly noted, thanks for the answers in comments and email :)

But anyway, here’s a second volume to this either latest or third arc of the Pandra series, in which, for some reason only a Japanese mangaka could come up with, the Olympus became a highschool campus, the gods are either students, administrators, or relatives of the campus staff, while the tartarus’ evil lies in wait, with, in addition, the other evils we saw in the previous volumes, a certain grimoire and Pandora’s box.
Which leads us to: tons of sex. Yeah, figures :lol:

You’ll have tentacle sex, “normal” sex, ahegao, sex with love, rape, and a bit of everything in between… But it looks damn great, at least ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌

Well, here’s to hoping you like it, thanks a lot to Biribiri and Crevab! ^^

By Erect Sawaru, I also share Oppai Infinity (250 pictures), Seme Chichi (187 pictures), Pandra 1-2 (417 pictures), Shinkyoku No Grimoire – Pandra Saga 2nd story (659 pictures), Raikou Shinki Igis Magia – PANDRA Saga 3rd Ignition (226 pictures), Osanazuma Bakunyuu Nurunuru Soap-jou, Zeen, Eikoku Shiki Goukon Gyakunan Jutsu, JxJ, Akebi After School XXX, The Legend Of Paya Gang Bang Of The Wild and Mugippai.

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Aimitsu Carameliser [English, 228 pictures], by 212

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 5 comments

Fuck yeah, this is okay

Here’s an excellent release I am most pleased to share, the complete Aimutsu Carameliser, by 212 (an artist I also saw called “Niichini”), 228 pages full of excellent sex, mostly vanilla, drawn with great talent :)

Some chapters will be casual brains-free sex, most of them will be various shades of vanilla with lively female characters (my favourite quote: “Then it’s me who got fooled! Return my virginity, you stupid Haruki!:lol: ), the action never left me with a sour aftertaste, I loved those good vibes =)

Graphically, ah, it’s also the good stuff. The censorship remains bearable (a few semi-transparent bars here and there, and an uncensored chapter 2), the girls are really sweet (absolute victory for the tanned athlete with her sports bra and tanlines, HNNNNNG), there’ll be plenty to enjoy :twisted:

I hope you guys too will love this release. Thanks a LOT to CopyOf, N04H, Herzer and Alexey! :jap:

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Kuchikiki Majo No Angelika (“Mediator Witch Angelika”) [English, 180 pictures, Uncensored version!], by Chiba Toshirou

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 5 comments

Still good.

Aaaah, I’m torn. I should be incredibly happy to share with you guys a complete 180 pages long uncensored tankoubon: Mediator Witch Angelika, by Chiba toshirou. It was released a bit more than a year after the still censored version, that I shared back in March 2022.
By every possible means, it’s an awesome manga: it’s drawn by a skilled artist, it’s featuring shockingly good art and it’s got a decent scenario all things considered, with a full-volume storyline. Hats off.

I wrote a longer manga description for the still censored version ;)

But… there’s just one gripe… The still censored version was in high res 3000 px high images, while this new decensored version is only 1500 px.

And it’s a massive loss. Normally I consider 1600 px the bare minimum, it’s acceptable in most cases. But here it’s not working, Chiba Toshirou made tremendous efforts on the outfits of every character, there are tons of rich backgrounds, even the naked bodies reveal splendid effort poured in countless details, be it the eyes, of the shapely details of breasts…
It’s one of those cases where a high enough resolution (like, IDK, 1800px?) is rightfully justified in my eyes, otherwise you’ll find yourselves missing on plenty of juicy bits, which would be a waste.

In the end, I say, that’s your call, anyway. Would you prefer to keep the high res censored version, or go for the low res uncensored version, I’m keeping the censored version online instead of replacing it as usual, so, do as you wish! ^_^

Oh – and of course, credits for this new version go to G-Birkin (Klub Kemoner), thank you! :jap:

(For more, see the list of Celluloid Acme/Chiba Toshirou’s works on Hentairules.)

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Yareru Appli [English, 169 pictures], by Nagashima Chousuke

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 7 comments

Say what you want, sex with love LOOKS better.

Hehe. Too often for my liking, when I end up tagging a manga as “WTF hentai“, I’m sad and bitter.
Not this time. This release, Yareru Appli, is a nicely WTF manga, going SO over the top, it becomes ridiculously funny ^__^

The beginning is caricatural: a sex obsessed loser only things of sexxing women, and for some mysterious keikaku reasons, he is gifted a phone app that allows him to control women in a multitude of manners. Fortunately, the Nagashima Chousuke touch is present, and the story avoids the pathetic highway, to take the rare comedy road :3
I’ll avoid giving details, it’s best if you find out yourselves, but you’ve got several “oh come on, seriously?!?” moments and multiple plot twists ahead ;)

Graphically, on the other hand, urgh, I’ll warn you, the pictures are censored as fuck and in super low 1200 px res, deal with it ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌

We owe this funny release to CountPaladin, thank you! :jap:

For more goodness by the same artist, I also share Pururun Seminar (volumes 1-6, complete series, 1215 pictures), Seireki 2200 Nen No Ota (“The Otaku In 2200 A.D.”, 555 pictures), The Otaku In 10 000 BC (518 pictures), Fukinshin Soukan No Onna (202 pictures), Chijou Family Affairs (210 pictures), Girls Must Die (202 pictures), Chounyuu Shataku Senshi Honzawa Kouhei volume 2, Chounyuu For You (170 pictures) and An Angel’s Duty (volume 1-2, also complete series).

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Tokunou Mama Milk (“Specially Thick Mother’s Milk”) [English, 190 pictures], by Baksheesh AT

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 3 comments

Commentator: and, indeed, he moved.

Offline life was ruthless this week, at long frigging last I’m finding time to prepare this share I wanted to, erm, well, yeah, share :D
Here’s an excellent release, “Tokunou Mama Milk”, by an artist I’m fond of, Baksheesh AT.

Save a mini-arc (that I’ll summarize with this quote: “I guess we’re both mother fuckers now, huh:lol: ), each chapter is a different story with different characters. Approximately half of the chapters deal with shota, the rest is old enough men and women (the women being of early MILF age). The story canvases will wildly vary, I giggled with the “I fuck your mom, you fuck mine” mini series, otherwise it’s relatively bland but efficient in leading to plenty of sex.

And graphically… YISS! That’s the stuff! The women look great, meaty, with beautiful faces and thick lips, usually wearing glasses, with generous large breasts, shown in artful soft tones… It’s something I can’t quite properly describe, the drawings look like *art*, they look *drawn*, not the result of some soulless graphical tab usage…

Sorry for yet another wall of text, to make it shorter: ENJOY! And thanks a lot to BSN!! ^^

By the same artist (you may call him “Gold Koman Sex”, “Baksheesh AT” or “Bakushishi AT”), I also share Health Angel Kango No Oshigoto (206 pictures) Ainyuubo Hanna, Romancing Saga, Sacrifice Fly, Besshitsu Shidou + Tokubetsu Shidou, and the 6 volumes of the Kasshoku Kokumaro Funnyuu Maid series, split in 3 posts: Tensai! Kasshoku Kokumaro Funnyuu Maid! + Kasshoku Kokumaro Funnyuu Maid! Baka ka!, followed by Daitensai! Kasshoku Kokumaro Funnyuu Maid + Ganso! Kasshoku Kokumaro Funnyuu Maid, and lastly Kasshoku Kokumaro Funnyuu Maid Stardust Genius + Kasshoku Kokumaro Funnyuu Maid Stardust Genius Kanketsuhen.

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Jikan Teishi Now [English, 200 pictures, Upscaled version], by Ootori Ryuuji

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 2 comments

Pretty had to make a static image look dynamic, even more with time stop

As I frequently say, I’m kinda glad superpowers don’t actually exist. If I had some, I strongly suspect I’d end up a villain.
Time stopping might be cursed, in that regard. Perhaps a LOT more than other superpowers, in everyday life, it’s perfectly easy to use it for evil, while it would be actually super hard to manage to use it for good, wouldn’t you agree?

Anyway, here we are with an entire 200 pages long volume, about boys using timestop to dip their willies into nearby girls, with the help of two witches that are up to no good, to make it short :D

The images were in far too small resolution to allow the art to be, in my opinion, enjoyable. I allowed myself to upscale a bit the images, from originally 1200 px high, to 1600 px. I didn’t dare enlarge them further, I had the impression artefacts were starting to be visible.

I hope you’ll enjoy this read, thanks a lot to an ehentaier called Paofannu! :jap:

By the same artist, I also share Eroge Master No Ore Ga Sanjigen Kouryaku Ni Honki O Dashita Ken (205 pictures).

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Share House E Youkoso [English, 201 pictures], by Sabashi Renya

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 5 comments

Please tell me the real Japanese persons don't do that, commentating everything happening to their genitalia

Ah, it’s good, a harem hentai manga like that :)

To sum it up, a young man starts living in a formerly all-women boarding house, and one by one the women get interested in his dick and become his fuckbuddies, as he’s very well endowed.
It’s got a simple and efficient plot, no complications are getting in the way, overthinking is not required, we can just enjoy it from the get go and fear no surprises :D

Graphically, what can I say, this is Sabashi Renya! The art is great, there’s a bit of anal, not too much censorship, the women make charming faces even while cumming like crazy, I’ve only got praise to give =)

We owe this excellent release to Renne, WYLTK and Alexe, from Shuten Doujin Translations, thank you very much! :jap:

By the same artist, I also share Tottemo Hot Na Chuushinbu (228 pictures, Uncensored, new 2021 version), Koi No Tyunyu (231 pictures), Hotetta Karada O Hitorijime (222 pictures), Hajirai Body (230 pictures), Hokenshitsu No Sagara Sensei (203 pictures), Gokubuto Insert (217 pictures), Mitsudaku Kanojo (215 pictures), Momoiro Triangle 1-4 (107 pictures, new 2016 version), Yoi Shimai Series and Ano Toki No Kanojo.

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