Archive | Hentai Audio

Aural Ecstasy #7

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By HurpDurp on 20 comments

Can I stop saying I’m HurpDurp yet? I would think by now people know I’m the one posting these

Well, whatever. Today I bring you 5 new audios (only four are pictured here, cuz one is loli so I had to scrap the image – it’s also the only hypnosis audio too)

BUT WAIT THERE’S MORE!!! I’ve finally got Oliver (because I don’t have that ability :<) to make me a poll for whether or not I should include the non-sound effect versions of audios. Why would I like to do this? Because it doubles the size of the files, and if no one is even using them, what’s the point of including 200+ extra MB? Complete waste of both of our bandwidth, not to mention HDD space and the fact that double the file size means it’d take doubly as long to download.

Regarding audios, which do you prefer :

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For those of you don’t know what that means : Sometimes (for instance, the second recording shared right here), the recordings have more sound effects in them than just sucking. I’ll assume you’ve had sex or at least seen a porno by now, so you should know when someone is fucking flesh against flesh makes a loud slapping sound, there are also other things like hymens being broken (all my hnnnng), or, hell, even the sound of the bed moving while you’re fucking. None of those would be in the “No Sound Effects Version”, that’s why I personally prefer the sound effect versions because it’s more immersive in my opinion. Granted, there are some sound effects that are out of place and some that are just downright hilarious. The greatest example of sound effects was the Drama CD for Idol Sister, that shit had them fucking everywhere. It did NOT include a version without the sound effects, however.

If you still don’t understand, or would like to make a comment of any kind about this, you’re welcome to do so in the comment box below.

I’m having problems with the hosts again, so trying out two new ones again. Vidpe died the day after I started using it and Filegag seems to always download an exe unless you go out of your way to get the direct URL by copy and pasting it into your browser address bar. So, fuck those shits. Any suggestions would be wonderful especially considering that NONE of the sites I currently still use (including the two I just added) help me fund purchases at all now ;~;

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Aural Ecstasy #6

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By HurpDurp on 28 comments

DurpyHurpy here. Before I start, let me say something I forgot to mention last time:

I finally bought a real blindfold!!! It was 5 dollars, but it’s kind of tight. I assume I’ll get used to it eventually, however.

Also, this includes FIVE audios. Due to circumstances beyond my control (I.E. the inclusive of nudity in the images involving lolis), I cannot post those images here. :(

I don’t have much to say other than that…

Note: This post contains two hypnosis sessions, one of which also comes with a non-erotic version AGAIN! And from the same seiyuu as last time!

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Aural Ecstasy #5

1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (26 votes, average: 3.62 out of 5)
By HurpDurp on 52 comments
Tags: Blindfold

Yahoo! HurpDurp here~! Let’s do a quick update in case you didn’t see it yet:

I got my new battery for my Zune, so I’m good to go with audios that last longer than an hour now! JobT (you may remember him from such things as COMMISSION A SHIT TON OF MANGA, HOLY FUCK DUDE) was nice enough to send me 8 bucks to buy it. So I did. Woo. However, the screws that close the thing are stripped so I cannot put them back in. I tried to find a store that sold them, but had no luck. If anyone happens to know the size let me know, then I’ll be able to just order them online most likely.

Next up: Last Tuesday, I uploaded a random drama CD that went along with a tankōbon that Oliver shared. I’ve now listened to that myself and came a bazillion times. Also, I’ve written up my review of it or whatever. You can see it on the original post Oliver made OR at the bottom of this post~! (I’ve also reuploaded it with both in one package, which I was unable to do before because me and Ollie were doing that at the same exact time.)

Finally: If you didn’t see it last week, I started using some new web hosts. Let me know if any/all/none of them work for you.

Note: This post contains a hypnosis session, which also comes with a non-erotic version.

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Idol Sister [English, 191 pictures, now with TANK SCANS], Drama CD [1 hour and 48 seconds, Japanese], by Ohtomo Takuji

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 26 comments

[Aphex Twin mode] I can fap to this.

« My womb is becoming a pool of semen » : Another evidence hentai and poetry don’t go along well :D
RHA, YAY ! A full manga by Ohtomo Takuji, composed of two halves,
– an idols story in which the lucky brother of a popular female idol gets to have sex with all the other female idols (at first I used to think it was Oreimo ^^),
– Risa (you first saw that one in 2012), a very cute and pleasant “female student X young male teacher” happy sex story with a decent ending and an almost worthy scenario :)
– Added thanks to HurpDurp : a drama CD based on the Idol Sisters story !

The scenario never goes far, the artist focuses on drawing as much sex as possible (oral, vaginal in standard positions), with the girls always wearing different outfits. The idols were nice (they didn’t strike me as great, though, except the really big-breasted one :german:; the sister is borderline loli), but Risa, haaaa, Risa, a candid face, a marvelously horny body, a bridal dress with matching underwear to die for… There were GOOD drawings, yeah :twisted:
My most grateful thanks are for Runan92, Conanak99 and Azu-tan from VLTrans, Kudo from LoliLoliHunters and Cheesey :)
Update : and now thanks to Annon, who ported it to the tank scans ! Before / After. Okay ? :D

For more, see The list of all my Takuji/Ohtomo Takuji/Number2 shares!

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Aural Ecstasy #4

1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (25 votes, average: 3.72 out of 5)
By HurpDurp on 29 comments

Yo~! HurpDurp here. So remember how last week I said some bullshit about having 5 extra recordings in case something happened? Yeah, well, not anymore! Several things happened the last two weeks:

On 1/9, I listened to a recording. This recording was broken, but I couldn’t really determine this until the end when it ended without the awakener. It sounded like it was messed up in other locations, sure, but I actually thought he seiyuu had fucked up… and in some places, she had. Still came from twice tho.

On 1/12, I had a goddamn ear infection. It’s STILL not gone yet, but on that day it was hurting like hell. I couldn’t even put my speakers in my ear. Every time she talked it was like someone was stabbing me in my ear :(

On 1/16, the same day I was finally able to get some ear infection medicine, I relistened to that broken audio from the previous Wednesday. Somehow this voice didn’t irritate my ear (actually, I loved it – came twice AGAIN), so I was able to get through the whole thing! For the most part! The battery in my Zune died before the audio finished though! I can’t listen to any audios over an hour audios at all now! I already bought a new battery (funded by good ol’ Job Truniht) but that won’t be arriving until NEXT Saturday… :( So you guys need to request some new audios that are only like an hour in length .. or I won’t be able to listen to any! D:


Edit: It came early (Tuesday), but I got some bad news. :< The screws I have to unscrew to get access to the battery are somehow all stripped. I’m not sure how I can ever remove them now, so I’m pretty much fucked until I can somehow afford a new MP4 player. (Which are like $200-$300.) Disregard, I suck cocks/finally got the screws out. Now my own problem is I can’t find REPLACEMENT screws for the ones I removed. It DOES seems to be functioning properly without them, however.

This doesn't even have an image to represent it! D:

inb4thatstupidwordpressshithappensagainwithmynoscripts HA-HA, CALLED IT.

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Aural Ecstasy #3

1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (20 votes, average: 3.75 out of 5)
By HurpDurp on 55 comments

Hey guys, HurpDurp here! I cum bearing gifts of things for your ears.

Some stuff happened since the last post, most specifically the thing would make this the last post I’ll ever make!

… With my old earbuds. Ha-ha. I had you going there for a second, didn’t I? :3

Yes, that’s right! I got a new pair of earbuds, they’re called JBuds J6M High Fidelity. However this post is still the OLD pair of earbuds (they’re Sony MDREX40LP, by the way), but next time it should start with new ear buds, final destination! But keep in mind it took a couple of weeks to figure out which earbuds felt the best in my ear. I ultimately settled for the default ones, after about 4 different pairs.

The sister looks too old on this image.

Other news includes: Scanlators such as Red Vodka from LittleWhiteButterflies and Kudo from LoliLoliHunters have started listening to (AND LOVING) these recordings. I wonder if that means we’ll see translations in the near future?! OR DO I ALREADY HAVE SOME AND JUST CAN’T RELEASE THEM BECAUSE THE COMMISSIONERS WON’T PAY!? loljk… Or am I? The world may never know! …Unless you’re Oliver, Kudo, JobT or T_Starrk. But even then, who knows~!

Don’t like this stuff? Scroll down for whatever h-manga Oliver hopefully uploaded today.

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Aural Hypnotic Ecstasy #1

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By HurpDurp on 19 comments

HurpDurp here. Or should I say “was here”? If you’re seeing this post, that means I’ve raptured up to heaven on Friday and you were left behind to burn in hell! Ha-ha, you suck! :3

So as you should be able to tell from the title, everything this time is HYPNOSIS! I would’ve done Christmas audios only, final destination but no one requested any of those so you get this shit. Also, Christmas is in two days so Merry Christmas. Don’t celebrate Christmas? Then no wonder you were left behind to burn after the world ended on Friday :<

One has a non-erotic version and another has a version for women!

Also, someone named Fern left a message last week that Oliver and I both agree should be quoted here, so:

Oh my god. Just… oh my god. I tried this blindfolded like you said and busted out my cock sleeve, I have to say that’s the hardest I’ve came in my life yet. You’ve turned me on to a whole new way of fapping. Thanks a ton!

(I was listening to) Cool, Cute, Unlucky Succubus, Number 5 (in high quality because why not.) It was strange that I understood almost nothing she said, but it was still fun.

I’m almost mad I like these so much. I already have a backlog of stuff I want to download from this site ahaha. Oh well I know a few new downloads that are being shunted to the front.

I’m just happy to see you guys like these. I’m still surprised these are getting more than 100 downloads.

Don’t like hypnoshit and/or not one of those 100 people mentioned above? Scroll down for… I dunno. Something. Whatever Oliver posted. I uploaded this before I ascended to heaven, so how the fuck am I supposed to know what’s there!?

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