Search Results for: pretty yotsuba

Taking non-adult manga suggestions…

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 116 comments
in Categories: Just Talking

Guys, would you have recommendations for a LONG (finished or not) manga series, that would be available for online reading ?

Not the hentai stuff that I’m sharing here on, I’m talking about the non-porn stuff ;)

I recently caught up with the latest chapter of Magi, loving every bit of it !
And here I am, now, left without any long serie to read and discover. I’m re-reading Berserk, but I’d love to discover new GOOD and LONG series to read, either finished or still ongoing…

I’m writing a bit more about it in the rest of this post, if you have suggestions, I’ll be grateful :)

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Do You Need An Extension [English], by Oomori Harusame

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 8 comments
Tags: comedy
Look, I know the graphics aren't top notch, but at least it's funny vanilla :)

Love can bloom quite suddenly under external pressure, I guess.

Graphically, this is pretty average, to be frank, but the story was funny and felt good to read, I like vanilla like that :)
(Would “you” know who to thank, for the scanlation, please ?)

By the same artist? Argh, another time it?s complicated. There?s the Mousou Deguchi circle, but behind it, there are 2 mangakas, Unou and Oomori Harusame.
Pardon my lazy ass but I?m giving the links to the works of both of those mangakas ;)
And so, by the two artists making the Mousou Deguchi circle, Unou and Oomori Harusame, I also share Succubus No Rinjin (in 2 versions, grayscale, and full-colour), Chocolate Slaver, Fubuki-gumi Honjitsu Mo Ijou Nashi, Fujiyama-san To, Lustbreeders 1, Lustbreeders 2, A Strange Couple, Mishiro-san Hassurusu, Watashi No Oshigoto Toranaide, Kanako To Ojisan, More Than Siblings, Less Than Lovers and the uncensored version of Hiiro No Ano Musume Nya Te Ga Desenai.

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Yotsuba&! Uncensored Hentai Doujin [English, 225 pictures]: Pretty Neighbour, by House Of Karsea

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 10 comments
The BEST possible adult parody of Yotsuba-To

Excellent news ! High Nine Eleven, doing an excellent job once again, has entirely decensored Pretty Neighbor ! :shock:

Pretty Neighbor is a Yotsuba&! hentai reprise – if you don’t know of Yotsuba&! yet, for Pastafari’s sake, start reading it, this is one of the best “Slice of life” works I know :)

And, partly similarly to Re-Take with Evangelion, Pretty Neighbor is THE best reprise you’ll find. It sticks very closely to the story (unless you read the real manga, you’ll miss half the puns), it respects the characters and their personalities, simply adding an adult dimension that was, frankly, lacking (do I read/watch too much porn ?) from the real manga :)

If you don’t know Yotsuba&! and you don’t even want to read it, you’ll have a complete hentai manga of average drawing quality (with one loli chapter ¬_¬) with a funny though flat scenario… But if you know of Yotsuba, it becomes a festival and you totally enjoy the hentai reprise ! So come on, won’t you give Yotsuba&! a chance ? ;)

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Yotsuba-to hentai doujin [English] : Erobato Fuka, by Itoyoko & Toraya

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 7 comments
the drawings are average, but the doujin is very fun :)

Moo !

With my big thanks to Ershin and Nikon, here’s one of the best Yotsuba doujinshi I’ve read :)

The hentai scene is average, to be frank, but everything around this scene is super fun. The characters are very funny and they’re almost the same airheads as in the real manga, there are excellent dialogues… It was a huge pleasure to read it, simply said :)

I share various Yotsuba-to doujinshi (a quick search will show them to you), but if you’re interested, in all regards, the best one is undoubedly Pretty Neighbor ;)

By Itoyoko, I also share Safety Lodging House Utopian (181 pictures, with the volumes 1-7 uncensored!), EroSli!, Fucking, Cute And Lovely Bust Nurse, Slave Girls (223 pictures), Chotto H Na Euphonium, Dragon Pink volumes 1-4 (180 pictures) and the frankly hyper lame He is My Brutal Master volumes 1-4 (152 pictures).

english hentai ? english hentai english hentai

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Yotsuba-To hentai doujin [English, 224 pictures, Complete] : Pretty Neighbor, by Souji, AKA House of Karsea

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 23 comments
Tags: comedy
the one and only good Yotsuba-to hentai parody :)

Almost two years after I was first notified, I think it was high time for me to finally share the COMPLETE version of Pretty Neighbor, thanks to everyone who repeatidly sent messages to report I was originally (july 2007) sharing an incomplete version missing one chapter ^^;;

Pretty Neighbor is a Yotsuba-to hentai reprise – if you don’t know of Yotsuba& yet, for Pastafari’s sake, start reading it, this is one of the best “Slice of life” works I know :)

And, partly similarly to Re-Take with Evangelion, Pretty Neighbor is THE best reprise you’ll find. It sticks very closely to the story (unless you read the real manga, you’ll miss half the puns), it respects the characters and their personalities, simply adding an adult dimension that was, frankly, lacking (do I read too much hentai ? ^^;;) from the real manga :)

— Update: woohoo! You can now find the UNCENSORED version of the manga: click HERE :)

Pretty Neighbour [English], Yotsuba To doujin by Shouji

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 6 comments
Pretty Neighbour : a nice story translated in english, the story of 3 sisters living next to the house of a bachelor.Should I draw you the picture ?
The plot is rather flat, but there is still one, better than nothing. And it is very well drawn, and it is in english :)
The translation was made by Unangbangkay, for the benefit of 4chan, the artist is called Shouji.

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