Tag Archives | Ano Natsu de Matteru

Memories [English], an hentai doujinshi parodying the Ano Natsu de Matteru series, by Unagimaru

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 2 comments

Apparently, that woman is a teacher. Makes you want to study biology, right?

Herreis, Trad_Low_Cost and Vilis, from Hennojin, thank you for this!, released this short Ano Natsu de Matteru hentai parody, in which three girls have sex with a male character.Tgere is absolutely zero scenario, there aren’t enough pages for a story, and every page matters.
In terms of art, jeeeeeeeeeeebus! Unagimaru’s talent explodes right into our faces, it is SPLENDID! The girls are superb, there’s only very little censorship, and every panel is excellent :D (With oral, paizuri, vaginal sex.)

(For MORE stuff by this artist, Cf. The list of Unagimaru’s works on hentairules)

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HUGE pack of 27 “Angel’s Stroke” volumes [English, 521 pictures], by AXZ

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 14 comments

Damn, that precise picture was super hot O_o


It had been forever I told myself I had to catch up on the Angel’s stroke volumes, since I last shared a catch-up-on-scanlations pack, back in 2012.
And there we are. With no less than 27 volumes! :twisted:
What next? Catching up on Nana To Kaoru & Arashi? Argh, hmm, that, that’s still terrifying me at the thought of the amount of work it will be T___T

The volumes I share here are: Angel’s Stroke 45 – 54 – 55 – 58 – 61 – 62 – 64 – 65 – 66 – 68 – 69 – 70 – 71 – 72 – 73 – 74 – 76 – 77 – 78 – 79 – 80 – 81 – 84 – 85 – 86 – 88 and 89.

What to expect, from those volumes. A bit of everything of course, some minority cases like Futa and forced sex.
But, on top of all, there are TONS of happy sex between popular anime/manga/game characters without complications of any sort.
The girls are drawn with a very unusual, and very pleasant style, that still feels “hand-made”, that doesn’t look it’s so computer-assisted all soul and originality have disappeared (something for which I privately press the blame on many mangas). They have “exaggerated” figures, long legs, thin, extremely large breasts with wiiiiide areolas, and one or two final pages with ahegao in the end usually.
The sex is mostly oral + vaginal, with a great hardcore touch, it’s intense action.

Enough said. I hope you will enjoy it, and thanks to all the scanlators! ^_^
While I was at it, I fixed the zip links for my past AXZ shares.
My previous shares by AXZ, precisely, are: a pack of 6 works (Application Error 1208, + Angel’s Stroke volumes 36, 44, 48, 49 and 50), a pack of 11 works (Angel’s Stroke volumes 10, 13 , 22, 33, 41, 46, 51, 52, 53, 56 and 59), Angel’s Stroke 40 and a pack of 12 works (Angel’s Back, Under Blue 11, Angel’s Stroke volumes 06, 09, 15, 17, 19, 20, 25, 27, 38 and 39).

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Ano Anaru The Netorare Manga We Read That Day [English], by Yahiro Pochi

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 5 comments

This was a sad, but highly fappable story. All in all... Yeah, I'd fap to this :D

This story is sad, however, it doesn’t deal with netorare, not even with netori, so what the hell is it with the title ?!?
In short, Anaru, the sexiest heroine of AnoHana, is awoken to desire by the manager of the place where she works, and when her confession to the boy she loves fails (no idea how, I didn’t watch the anime, who’d turn down a sexy redhead with pigtails and whose name says “anal”, is this Jintan stupid ?!?), she gives in to desire and has sex with her manager.

Graphically, Yahiro Pochi sure knows his job, wow. Rare deepthroats, lots of foreplay – which is too rare -, and good vaginal sex. If only the story wasn’t so sad…
Thanks to Doujin-Moe.us for this release !

There’s a LOT more for you, see The list of ALL my Yahiro Pochi shares!

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Dynamite Drink In The Summer [English], an Ano Natsu De Matteru hentai doujinshi, by Nekottoland

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 3 comments

And suddenly... SEX ! And suddenly... ZERO SCENARIO ! :D

Errr… what ?!? :D
Okay, this is ridiculous, but it was fun, and after all, if even the artist doesn’t care about practically anything, why should we :lol:

So, yeah, here you are, with a “what-the-fuckesque” Ano Natsu De Matteru parody, featuring two of the characters, on a scorching summer day, and suddenly they become wild beasts. If the drawings are to your taste, please, dear perverts after my own heart, enjoy ! =)

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Ano Natsu De Matteru hentai doujinshi [English] : Senpai Wa Sugokatta, by Kikurage-ya

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 4 comments


Graphically ? EFFIN’ AWESOME !
This drawing talent ! Those curves ! Those glasses ! (meganekko me, yeah) These loving expressions ! Those smiles !
Scenario-wise ? Fapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfap – erm, oops – excuse me, were you asking something ?

Besides the original high res version, I also offer you a shrunk down to standard 1600px version, 5 times smaller on the disk :)
Thanks a LOT to Epic Translations and Doujin-Moe’s Raikoh, it felt good to read it ! ^^

By the same artist, I also share Kimi To H (228 pictures), The Koi+Kan 1-7 series (with Mutsuki-san Bikun Bikun), Kuro No Riiman To Maken Schildawahn (“The Salaryman In Black And Schildwahn”), Kuro No Riiman To Yousei Hime Eruniisu, a pack of 2 Salaryman/Riiman works (Kuro No Riiman To Ryuu Musume Indra + Kuro No Riiman To Shireizukai Kuroeru), Kuro No Ryman To Touzoku Puffy, Kami-sama No Himo, Yukko To Zukkon Bakkon, I Want To Have Lewd Sex With Nibutani-san, Watashi Wo Tsukatte, Nao To Ecchi chapter 1 and Watashi Ki Ni Narimasu, and they are great dope =)

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Ano Natsu de Matteru hentai doujin [English, Full color, Full of awesome] : Noise, by Imperial Chicken

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 4 comments

Yeah, of course, the perspective is exxagerated. So what, it's awesome anal :D

This share is only 15 pictures long, but… OH MY EYES ! SO MUCH AWESOMESAUCE !! :shock:
We’ve got great sex, all sorts of it. Oral, paizuri, vaginal, anal, with two girls, a big-breasted redhead (who is it already, that wrote “you can never go wrong with redheads in hentai ?”) and a blue-haired anal pettanko.
Hats off, thanks a LOT to Von and Somebodyelse, from Life4Kaoru ! :)

By the same artist, whether under the Fujisaka Kuuki or the Imperial Chicken pen name, I also share the How To Go Steady With A Nurse 1-4 series, Oz, Nurse Nene-san, Mio and Arcana Homerun, Forbidden Game and Meat’s Tearful Face is Too Irresistible.

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UNCENSORED version of Super Pure Pussies [English], an AnoHana parody by Kensoh Ogawa

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 2 comments
in Categories: Just Talking

1I can fap to this :3

Belldandy100 brings us a nice hentai nugget to feast on, the fully decensored version of Super Pure Pussies, a nice Ano Hana parody, thank you !
Begone, thick black bars ! Here come the perfectly clean genitalia ! :twisted:

The scenario is rather gentle in its own way, the drawings are bloody EXCELLENT (oral, paizuri, lots of anal, vaginal, foursome), I recommend this one to everyone :)

Super Pure Pussies, now Uncensored, is available HERE. Enjoy !

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