Haha To Ko No Kanbi Na Choukyou Kouza [English, 204 pictures], by Onikubo Hirohisa
With Onikubo Hirohisa, you can know in advance what you’ll get.
It’s like… It’s driven hentai, the mangaka isn’t only here to depic porn, women have to be treated like shit, men have to be treated like shit, and trust has to be destroyed, because yay! corruption or something.
Graphically, this is also the typical Onikubo Hirohisa. If you can put aside the worst panels with too much abuse for you to bear (or if you like it, of course, and then bless you you lucky freak, you’re going to enjoy that fap session!), there’s actual praiseworthy skill, and the amount of censorship could hardly be lower.
I gave up after something like 60 pages, so, erm… deal with it, see for yourselves
Thanks to whoever is behind this release, thanks remain an order!
By the same artist, I also share Tsukurareta Shisen (175 pictures), Trick-Ster (185 pictures), Hakudaku No Yami (190 pictures), Ingoku No Kyotou ~ Kemono-tachi No Kyouen (212 pictures), Seijuu Kyoushi ~ Boshi Haramase No Niku Wana (212 pictures) and a short works collection (A Collection of Young Ladies + Day or Revival + Distorted Portrait).