Tag Archives | BSDM

Haha To Ko No Kanbi Na Choukyou Kouza [English, 204 pictures], by Onikubo Hirohisa

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 2 comments

A brief moment of peace in which the story forgot to suck

With Onikubo Hirohisa, you can know in advance what you’ll get.
It’s like… It’s driven hentai, the mangaka isn’t only here to depic porn, women have to be treated like shit, men have to be treated like shit, and trust has to be destroyed, because yay! corruption or something.

Graphically, this is also the typical Onikubo Hirohisa. If you can put aside the worst panels with too much abuse for you to bear (or if you like it, of course, and then bless you you lucky freak, you’re going to enjoy that fap session!), there’s actual praiseworthy skill, and the amount of censorship could hardly be lower.
I gave up after something like 60 pages, so, erm… deal with it, see for yourselves :D

Thanks to whoever is behind this release, thanks remain an order!

By the same artist, I also share Tsukurareta Shisen (175 pictures), Trick-Ster (185 pictures), Hakudaku No Yami (190 pictures), Ingoku No Kyotou ~ Kemono-tachi No Kyouen (212 pictures), Seijuu Kyoushi ~ Boshi Haramase No Niku Wana (212 pictures) and a short works collection (A Collection of Young Ladies + Day or Revival + Distorted Portrait).

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Houkago Initiation [English, the complete grayscale tank version, 208 pictures], by Arai Kei

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 2 comments

The front. How else can you bury your face between her amazing breasts while plowing with all your might?

When I shared the full-colour version of Houkago Initiation, a few days ago, I knew not everybody was OK with full-colour art (there’s no avoiding the loss of fine details and the impression volumes were flattened, isn’t there?), and I grieved the absolutely horrible censorship destroyed everything.

Well, no more! Here is, my dear filthy pervs, the grayscale, tank version of the same manga ^_^

Grayscale, as in: erm, well, the usual, right. Especially with a mangaka like Arai Kei who throws in the extra effort, the body volumes, the screentones, the fine visage details, that’s a lot more for the eye to enjoy than with coloured images.
Tank version: the various chapters the volume is made of were originally published in magazines, and it’s those magazine versions that were scanlated from Japanese to English, which implies lesser image quality, smaller image resolution, and usually more censorship. Fortunately, a kind soul, an ehentaier called Throwaway1245725, ported the scanlations onto the official tank scans. TL;DR: you’ll have the best possible image quality, and less censorship! \o/

There’s still plenty of censorship, but, hey, it was worse before ;)
Thanks a lot to Throwaway1245725 for the effort, to the scanlators, Noraneko, SNP, Hot Cocoa, Flammz, Desudesu, and StatisticallyNP, and whoever else was involved! :jap:

I realize I forgot to describe the manga, didn’t I? Just check the description I wrote for the full-colour version ^^

By the same artist, known as Arai Kei and as Kansai Orange, to this day, I also share Gunjo Gunzo (245 pictures), Houkago Initiation (206 pictures, the full colour version), Clover 1-4, HaPPY LIfe, and a MASSIVE pack with ALL my other English-translated works by Kansai Orange (20 volumes, no less, and I retouched/improved them whenever I could!)

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Houkago Initiation [English, 206 pictures, Full colour version], by Arai Kei

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 7 comments

Do I really look someone who would deliberately pick an image with horrible censorship? DO I?

On the one hand… yep, it’s by a skilled mangaka, yep it’s a 206 pages long volume, yep plenty of people love full colour art (not a poor fan-made colourization, a genuine one as chosen by the artist), yep the girls look great.
Also, the art was original, I don’t think there are other mangakas like Arai Kei (you may know him as Kansai orange perhaps).

Even the story lines were worth it. Each story the manga is made of (the tank’s made of stories one or two chapters long, essentially) had a unique and original taste. There was light comedy, sometimes it was heavy on the drama side, sometimes casual adultery devolved into scary yandere, and there were more! You’re in for a few surprises.

All fair and good points. Yep.

You know what, I prefer full lightsaber whiteout censorship, to gross blur mosaics, the type which we have here in the manga. I believe it will encourage readers into fast browsing and only stopping to enjoy the panels in which no genitalia are “visible”.

Will you like it despite the censorship, I cannot tell, huhu, your call!
Thanks and cheers to whoever is behind this release! :jap:

EDIT: there’s now a grayscale version, with better art, and less censorship!!

By the same artist, known as Arai Kei and as Kansai Orange, to this day, I also share Gunjo Gunzo (245 pictures), Houkago Initiation (208 pictures, the full colour version), Clover 1-4 HaPPY LIfe, and a MASSIVE pack with ALL my other English-translated works by Kansai Orange (20 volumes, no less, and I retouched/improved them whenever I could!)

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Keraku No Sho (“The Book Of Pleasure”) [English, 168 pictures], by Fuusen Club

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 4 comments

The bloomers + headband girl, probably the best chapter, pp. 59-77

I’ll copy-paste what I wrote with my last share by this artist:
“So. It’s a manga by Fuusen club.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk, you should know what to expect.”

AKA: complete corruption, women treated like sexdolls made to be broken when they aren’t already broken, and in the first chapter, rape, mindbreak, domination, etcetera. I’ve got no right or authority to judge if that’s your fetish (plus: it’s not like we choose a fetish, somehow it clicks and stays with us, but I’d doubt feet fetishists, loli lovers, or any “niche” fetish guys have initially chosen to love what they love), to each his own, but that’s not going to stop me from writing Fuusen Club’s hentai absolutely sucks big, hairy, greasy monkey balls.

In most chapters, the women love their corruption from the get go, so it’s not as insufferrable, but, still. Meh.
Release credits are for Fated Circle and Anonymous, thanks are an order.

By the same artist, I also share Chibokyuu (213 pictures), Kangoku ZERO (196 pictures), Boshino Toriko (205 pictures), and Boshi No Susume Volume 1 (181 pictures), Volume 2 (186 pictures) and Volume 3 (194 pictures).

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Sakuramiya Shimai No Netorare [English, 187 pictures], by Shiki Takuto

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 3 comments

Calm down, there's hardly a couple of pages with blindfold sex ;)

That’s the usual recipe for this niche: combine repeated sexual ecstasy with embarrassment, humiliation and helplessness, until women’s self-esteem and sanity are forever forsaken.

Here, to be more specific, a highschool boy captures a photo of two sisters making out, uses it to blackmail them separately, each of them will accept to enter the spiral of corruption to protect the other, until in the end they’re mindbroken dolls enjoying every dick coming their way, blah, blah, blah.

I’ve gotta reckon, still, the art is top notch. Mostly vaginal, plus a bit of group sex that includes as far as DP. If you love this type or story or are able to disregard the story and just enjoy the art, enjoy!

Release credits are for Doujin-Moe.

By the same artist, I also share Gal Tomo Harem (217 pictures, awesome), IF – The Puppy Story, IF – The School Story, Honey kiss (NTR and yandere, not my favourite niches) and Namaiki JK Onsen Ryokou 2-haku 3-kka.

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Kangoku ZERO [English, 196 pictures], by Fuusen Club

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 2 comments

One day, Fuusen Club will release a touching vanilla hentai manga, and Japan will sink into the ocean immedately after.

Second tank I check out among the ones released during my holidays, second disappointment. Oh, come on?!?
Well, as always, if it’s something YOU like, I don’t mind, good for you, may your faps be legendary. But that’s no reason for me to pull my punches when describing it from my own point of view ;)

So. It’s a manga by Fuusen club.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk, you should know what to expect.

… Oh, allright. You’ll have crude, gross art of a woman in her mid-twenties, fantasizing hard with sunken eyes on her face, you can expect vaginal, anal and multiple dicks simultaneously working inside her, in a story setup essentially based on the fascination for corruption, with the inescapable descent into the abyss that has to follow, as she keeps on being sexually tormented harder and harder with each chapter. And the men are, to make an understatement, caricatural ^^;;

Now you know. I’ll be moving on, don’t force yourselves.
I’ll definitely be more picky with whatever I share next, gotta tip the scales back.

By the same artist, I also share Chibokyuu (213 pictures), Keraku No Sho (168 pictures), Boshino Toriko (205 pictures), and Boshi No Susume Volume 1 (181 pictures), Volume 2 (186 pictures) and Volume 3 (194 pictures).

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Hentai Family Game [English, 148 pictures], by Denboro Kakariya

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 6 comments

Just your typical morning breakfast scene in Hentai Japan

Anyone to hand me over some bleach, so that I can rinse my eyes?

Hentai Family Game‘s singular purpose is to display family corruption, to show a family of four in which every member happily embraced perversity and threw moral values down the gutter.
Everybody’s got dead eyes, enjoys fucked up sex, etcetera.

It’s like Tenjiku Ronin’s La Bête Obscène, without the talent, and with a hell lot more censorship.

If that’s your fetish, what can I say, happy you found something for ya. Me, I will try to wipe the memory of this manga from my memory.
Still, thanks to whoever has released it, it WILL please some people, which deserves gratitude.

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