Nippon Zenkai Power (“The Destructive Japanese Power”) [English], an hentai doujinshi parodying the Dragon Ball series, by Niku Ringo (AKA Kakugari Kyoudai)
About the title, “The Destructive Japanese Power”… Which destructive Japanese power? A skill for self-destruction, of the nation’s birthrate, of male pride, of female self-esteem, or the destruction of something else entirely?
Oh well, this share’s got its good and bad points. The good point being: C-18, the android from Dragon Ball, in MILF version. We’re after the ending of the Dragon Ball Z manga, C-18 and Krillin are now happy parents, Krillin knows his wife’s a slut for any available dick and apparently doesn’t mind that much. C-18, as for her, has a masochistic pig fetish, she’ll pull her nose up and go “oink” and shit.
I tolerated the adultery rather easily, but the whole female pig fetish, WHAT THE FUCK SERIOUSLY?!?
Anyway, yeah, C-18 looks good (provided you don’t dislike the artist’s idiosyncrasies, there’s hair, long nipples, etc) and has sex with a teenager Goten. Enjoy, or not, it’s your call.
Thanks to GáBro for this one!
By the same artist, I also share Nippon head-cha-la and Nippon Ageruyo.