Tag Archives | full colour

Milk – Shota Inma Ga Onee-san-tachi Ni Hasamareru Banashi (“MILK – A Story About An Incubus Being Fondled By Two Onee-sans”) [English, in full colour and Uncensored!], by Komota

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 4 comments

Wish I were there for a while

Okay. this is shota. Deal with it. Because other than that, everything else about this manga is TOTALLY KICKASS!! :shock: :woot:

The story is decent enough and even a little bit cute (a newbie incubus lacks confidence and can’t seduce the ladies, until the day he falls for a female adventurer and finally gathers the courage to make a move on her, a few pages later another woman joins, crazy threesomes time!), and the art is splendid, for both the non-sex elements (the backgrounds, the outfits, the admirable way colouring was done) and the sex (although I wish the male MC was bigger and virile, and the girls were absolute bombshells, their “ara ara” expressions were the final bonus I needed to adore the book.)

We owe this excellent release to Itsurata, who also took care of the decensoring, hats off!!
BTW, if you loved it and wish to support the artist, you can legally by it HERE :)

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Azur Lane Fanbook – Royal Garden [English, Uncensored and in full colour], an hentai doujinshi parodying the Azur Lane game, by Hanada Yanochi

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 1 comment


Here’s a simple one, an Azur Lane doujinshi, in which Illustrious, one of the shipgirls, has outdoor sex with her beloved husband.
Zero complications, 100% uncensored full colour art, it’s an easy but plenty satisfying read ^_^

Thanks to whoever is behind this release! :jap:

I already saw the name Hanada Yanochi, but so far, never for books, only for pictures packs. If you want more of this, I whole-heartedly encourage you to check the artist’s pixiv (Pixiv’s pros and cons: a fucking undecipherable interface, imposes bloody censorship on their contents, but you can view stuff without paying) and the artist’s Patreon (100% uncensored, but prepare your wallet.)

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Onee-san Reflex [English, Full colour and Uncensored], by Mataro

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 3 comments

Agree on the price first, amateur! ;)

There’s only a basic story canvas here, a college student “orders” a masseuse service, and the minute they meet she’s already toying with his dick: five-star service ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌

Graphically, that was splendid full-colour hentai. Too short unfortunately (23 pages, with everything included), but I’d say it was enough. I mean, more would have been better, sure, but there was already enough to, ahem, make do, right?
Plus, it’s uncensored :twisted:

Release credits are for Divalz from Oasis-scantrad, with help from Anon, Migosh, and Coffedrug, thank you! :jap:

By the same artist… Hmm, well… I’m not sure there’s just a homonymy, or the mangaka’s style changed with time… Anyhoo: by “Mataro”, I also share H Na Onnanoko Wa… Osuki Desu Ka and Rem No Ecchi Na Nayami O Kaiketsu Shitekudasai.

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