Tag Archives | kantai collection

Musashi-san No Yoru Jijou Anata No Ai Kagi Hen + Musashi-san No Yoru Jijou Shoya Hen [English, 135 pictures], a pack of 2 works by Yunamaro

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 2 comments

Usually I don't like shots from this POV, but this one was more than OK in my book

I don’t see why I couldn’t slightly alter my usual course, and go for repack, of 2 vanilla-focused hentai doujinshi, taking place in the Kantai Collection world, and showing the dark-skinned busty Musashi shipgirl being happy in life and in bed.
… To make it short :D

Those 2 works I repacked to share them together are:
Musashi-san No Yoru Jijou Anata No Ai Kagi Hen
Musashi-san No Yoru Jijou Shoya Hen

In reading order, Shoya Hen comes first, but the second volume, Anata No Ai Kagi Hen, has better art and a better storyline, in my opinion.

I could give plenty more details, sure, but… should I? I feel it would be a waste!
Let’s let you enjoy quality vanilla without knowing what’s coming, it will taste even sweeter, treat yourselves, I promise you’ll get the warm and fuzzy feelings so many of us cherish ^__^

Release credits are for Osprey and Carl Translates Manga (who also’s got a Ko-Fi), thank you very much! :jap:

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Seisai Kuubo No Yoru Seikatsu (“Night Sex With The Carrier Wives”) [English, Uncensored version!], an hentai doujinshi parodying the Kantai Collection game, by Kashiru

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 1 comment

I'm fairly certain I wouldn't last long

I saw this one in my “to share” downloads folder, and I felt so confused, I was certain I had already shared it O_o

Let’s catch up with a very small delay (almost a year, tops  ⌐■_■ ), here comes a pretty decent Kancolle doujinshi, in which Kaga and Akagi spend the night with their admiral. Simple as that! After a first round with amazing oral (I’m partial to the sight of two ladies licking a dick together), there’s a cosplay moment, with the girls putting on nurse and bunny girl outfits :twisted:

The drawings aren’t world-class, but they’re fully decensored and had a pleasantly crude side to them. Enough to make me want to share it :)

It’s been released by Feeed, Rui, Lenzchen and Pingu, from Feeed Translations, thank you!

By the same artist, I also share Seisai Kuubo No Shinkon Ryokou.

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Onsen Yukata Na Kashima-san To Hamakaze-san To (“Kashima And Hamakaze In Hotspring Yukatas”) [English], an hentai doujinshi parodying the Kantai Collection game, by Sarfata

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 1 comment

Only two pages of paizuri in this volume, most regrettably

With so much I could share, I almost picked that one on a whim. Almost: I’ve always been a sucker for vanilla-ish feelings, for threesomes, for sexy busty girls who stayed pure of heart for everything besides sex, and there’s something with Kancolle’s Kashima that activates very specific neuron networks in my brain :twisted:

And so, here we are, with this Kancolle doujinshi in which a lucky admiral visits an onsen with his loving Hamakaze and Kashima, lots of pretty well drawn sex (although with murder levels of black bar censorship) follow (leaving a room filled with every possible body fluid everywhere, good luck with the cleaning service :lol: ), I hope you may find it to your taste :)

Release credits are for Feed, Mikado, Lenzchen and Llama, from FML Translations, thank you! :jap:

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Nelson No Royal Milk Ga Tomaranaku Naru Hon (“I Couldn’t Get Enough Of Nelson’s Royal Milk”) [English], an hentai doujinshi parodying the kantai Collection game, by Osterei

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 4 comments

If one day I'm at death's door, show me that pic, I'll recover a whole month of life energy in a nanosecond

Anonymous and Gondi, thank you very much for, this, bring us a pleasant Kantai Collection release, almost vanilla, in which one of the shipgirls, Nelson, has excellent sex with her admiral.
There’s not much in the way of a scenario, she’s got a rare condition that makes her lactate, soooooo they have to have sex? They were already lovers anyway ^^

The censorship was mostly tolerable, those black bars could be ignored thanks to Nelson’s proud breasts and the mangaka’s sheer skill pulling our attention towards plenty of praisable highlights in every panel. I had the impression there far more than just 27 pages :shock:
Here’s to hoping you’ll love it :)

By the same artist, I also share Richelieu Mon Amour, Richelieu Mon Amour Plat and Kaigai Kanmusu À La Carte.

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Richelieu Mon Amour [English], an hentai doujinshi parodying the Kantai Collection game, by Osterei

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 1 comment

Don't look at her nose. Don't.

I owe you guys an apology, I made a confusing mistake with one of my shares, giving it an incomplete name that would eventually (AKA: today) clash with the name of a newer release.

On the 24th of February, I shared “Richelieu Mon Amour Plat“, by Osterei.
– Except that I cut short the final part of the title (in French, it was bloody nonsensical), simply calling it “Richelieu Mon Amour“. That was a mistake. Because, now:
– Today the 26th of February, I’m sharing the genuine “Richelieu Mon Amour“, that takes place before “Richelieu Mon Amour Plat“.
Again, sorry, I know it’s confusing. At least, thanks to Kawaraita50 for telling me!

This doujinshi doesn’t look as good as its sequel, Amour Plat (FFS, why that title, it’s like saying “Richelieu My Flat Love”, or “Richelieu My Love Plate”, argh), but it’s still got the sweet vanilla and pleasant unique art style that soothed my eye before, I hope you guys will love it :)

Thanks to Darg777 and Lunaticseibah! :jap:

By the same artist, I also share Nelson No Royal Milk Ga Tomaranaku Naru Hon, Kaigai Kanmusu À La Carte and Richelieu Mon Amour Plat.

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Richelieu Mon Amour Plat (“Richelieu My Love” “Plat”) [English], an hentai doujinshi parodying the Kantai Collection game, by Osterei

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 6 comments

Maybe I should have chosen, instead, an image in which her mole is more noticeable...

Richelieu, one of the cute (I mean it) shipgirls from Kantai Collection, spends a lovey-dovey night with her husband, her Admiral.
Technically speaking, well, this is it, that’s the whole scenario.
The rest is made of adorable details, their mutual liking, the tenderness, the intense sex they have (oh boy, when it comes to anal :twisted: ), and the excellent way Richelieu was drawn, with her sexy mole, DAYUM! ^^

See for yourselves, folks, it’s fine vanilla :)
Thanks a lot to Rig, Chicken, Danky, NeVMiku, RO and Magikarp_Guy, from Red Lantern TL! :jap:

Quick update: I missed a thing in the title, this is “Mon Amour Plat“. Why Plat, I have no clue; it may mean “flat” (adjective) or “plate” (common name), in English, but in both cases it doesn’t make sense O_o
Anyway, so that’s the thing, this is a sequel to (see link below) Richelieu Mon Amour, which makes the addition of Plat an obligation, even if that is a retarded nonsensical obligation betraying French language.

By the same artist, I also share Nelson No Royal Milk Ga Tomaranaku Naru Hon, Richelieu Mon Amour and Kaigai Kanmusu À La Carte.

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Tanuki Chinjufu Shaseikai (“Tanuki Naval Base’s Ejaculation Meeting”) [English], an hentai doujinshi parodying the Kantai Collection game, by Drachef (or Dorachefu)

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 3 comments

A butt has grown on top of her butt.

There’s zero scenario here, it’s simply plenty of Kantai Collection girls thrown into the Pornificator2000, dressed as huge sluts and acting slutty with available men, taking suggestive poses, getting fucked, and two pages later, bam!, next girl.

I wasn’t a complete fan of the art, even if there were splendid butts, too many elements were outside of my tastes (I can deal with ahegaos, complete disregard for anatomy, boobs bigger than the head, braindead eyes, but in small amounts, not all at once ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌ ), but there’s no denying there was a high erotic intensity, so if the art style suits your tastes, if you fancy an easy fap’n’go, chances are you’ll love browsing it :)

Thanks to Striborg/Lance for this one! :jap:

By the same artist, under the names Dorachefu, Drachef and Tanuking Sleep, I also share Koubi No Ojikan (231 pictures), Zupposhi Inferno, Fubuki ShikoNuki Su and Fubuki, ShikoNuki Su! Kai.

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