Tag Archives | nylon

Aimitsu Carameliser [English, 228 pictures], by 212

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 5 comments

Fuck yeah, this is okay

Here’s an excellent release I am most pleased to share, the complete Aimutsu Carameliser, by 212 (an artist I also saw called “Niichini”), 228 pages full of excellent sex, mostly vanilla, drawn with great talent :)

Some chapters will be casual brains-free sex, most of them will be various shades of vanilla with lively female characters (my favourite quote: “Then it’s me who got fooled! Return my virginity, you stupid Haruki!:lol: ), the action never left me with a sour aftertaste, I loved those good vibes =)

Graphically, ah, it’s also the good stuff. The censorship remains bearable (a few semi-transparent bars here and there, and an uncensored chapter 2), the girls are really sweet (absolute victory for the tanned athlete with her sports bra and tanlines, HNNNNNG), there’ll be plenty to enjoy :twisted:

I hope you guys too will love this release. Thanks a LOT to CopyOf, N04H, Herzer and Alexey! :jap:

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Kenshin Nadeshiko [English, 201 pictures], by Bunga

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 10 comments

Only the dildo will go up hers, sorry ;)

Here’s a fairly good hentai tank, 201 pages long, in which several girls end up in a satisfying relationship with a decent partner for them :)

Sometimes it will be fully vanilla (mutual liking, kinda touching), sometimes I’m on the fence and will just picture a “boyfriend acquired” achievement animation pop up above the girl’s head. That said, a word of warning, the mangaka’s choice was to show the girls liking being slightly bullied and the boys understanding they have to push the girl and successfully guess she wanted to be undressed & all..

Graphically, it had a pleasant slightly old school touch. The uniforms, the thighhighs, the modest underwear, the blushing… I’m not promising you extraordinary art, but it was good enough at the very least ^^

Release credits are for Doujin-Moe, thank you, and have a nice read, folks! :D

By the same artist, Bunga, circle Fumi Miyabi, I also share Wa-chan Sunao Ni Naru Hon.

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Kuro Gal-chan Wa Kimi Dake O Miteru (“This Tanned Gyaru Only Has Eyes For You”) [English, 201 pictures], by Toba Yuga

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 6 comments

Examination time!

Eleven adorable gyarus with attractive caramel skin, either teens or young adults, have easygoing sex with caring partners.
Basically, this is it ^^

Here we are, with a pleasant 201 pages long manga, full of nice girls having great sex, in simple setups in which there’s always happy sex, very well drawn and with very easy to ignore censorship. Although there wasn’t sex with strong and official mutual love, I still tagged it as “vanilla”: there was plenty of sex with mutual care for the partner and plenty of cuteness, it was obvious those weren’t mere flings, in my book that was enough :)

Anonymous and Shiromaru#5048 from ShiromaruTL are behind this release, thank you very much! ^_^

By the same artist, whose name I’ve seen written as “Toba Yuuga” and “Toba Yuga”, I also share Yuki Ga Tokeru Made, Tsukiyo No Hatago and Yokushitsu Ni Nureru Boshiai.

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Daraku Kanojo (“Depraved Girlfriend”) [English, 201 pictures], by Totoyama Keiji

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 6 comments

There's a fair deal of DPs, but only one anal moment - this one

I can write there are plenty of good drawings and excellent panels in this 201 pages long manga, made of single unrelated chapters. And this will be true, plenty of pages are fapworthy, with only very little censorship getting in the way.

But… damn, the stories suck so much, my arousal died and never came back. How to say… Have you ever met those weird “nice guys”, who adhere to this sliiiiightly incel train of thought that it’s normal to get back at women for, errr, I don’t even know, being women? That they should “know their place” and stuff like that? That’s the mindset here.
Women may have boyfriends, aspire to happiness, nurture hope – preposterous! It’s high time for alpha males to use every available trick in the book to remind them they’re essentially here to welcome dicks inside them :roll:

If you like stories such as these, or you simply don’t care about the scenario and you’re here for the fap materials, though, this volume should return satisfactory results, I believe, so then, you fap away, you proud motherfuckers =)

Release credits are for Doujin-Moe, thanks are an order.

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Succubus Company [English, 260 pictures], by ShiBi

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 10 comments

Wish I were there

Yes. Yes. YESSSSS!!!

Here’s an excellent release for you guys, I’m more than happy to share it =)

Succubus Company is a full-volume story about a male teenager who discovers he has what it takes to supplement the energy needs of a rookie succubus, plus a few of her colleagues while he’s at it. As the scenario unfolds, he grows feelings for his partner, caring for her, and being cared for in return. That was surprisingly wholesome ^^

In the end, there’s a fully unrelated chapter-long vanilla story, in case you wanted more feelings :3

And graphically, oh boy, that was the bomb. I’m a huge fan of women with hourglass figures, “honest” faces (living in the moment, not scheming or overthinking), with beautiful well-shaped breasts, and welcoming pussies (that won’t be too censored, to make it even better!)
Come on folks, check it out, it’s worth it ^____^

This is a Doujin-Moe scanlation, thank you! :jap:

By the same artist, I also share Tomatta Mama No Shiawase Na Toki.

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Saimin Kanojo Soushuuhen (“hypnotic Girlfriend Omnibus”) volumes 1-2 [English, 392 pictures], by Ichiyo Moka

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 1 comment

And of course the sister was borderline tsundere.

Settled adult me looks at “hypnotism phone app” hentai stories with a stern face… But I must be honest, I know teenage me would have busted so many nuts a day at the mere thought of using an app like that. So. Many. Nuts.
So I can’t be too judgemental, allright :lol:

In terms of story: a highschool boy not courageous enough to get girls the normal way uses an hypno app to relieve himself with the school’s most popular girl, and later on his sister and another classmate. Incidentally, that awakens the girls to sexuality, once the hypnosis wears off they don’t remember anything, however they’re now more and more often and easily aroused.

Graphically… This is okay. Essentially, vaginal sex. There are plenty of full color pics, with lesser art, while most of the images are in grayscale. The censorship is almost tolerable (so many bars, and they’re too thick damnit), the art does the job without being great. What’s the expression, not great, not terrible? ^^
But I’m unfair. There’s one aspect that was really good, the close-ups on the women’s face. They made lewd expressions, which was nice.

Release credits rae for Crying Cat Translations, Melty Scans, Mintvoid/Lance, and FFFox, thank you! :jap:

By the same artist (Ichiyo Moka is the name of the main mangaka in the doujin circle Chocolate Latte), I also share the short colour work called Mizugi no Shoukaku-san wa Ikaga, it’s a small part of a large full colour pack, here.

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Mucchiri Chin Ochi (“Thick Cock-Loving Girls”) [English, 216 pictures], by Saint Shiro

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 3 comments

Just roleplay. Not his daughter. Sorry. Wait, why am I writing sorry?!?

If you’ve had a long day, you won’t need to think too hard with that manga :D

Mucchiri Chin Ochi is made of single unrelated stories in which every woman has an inner slut barely hidden under the surface. Honest warning, Most of the chapters are “ugly”, the women are either blackmailed (until they’re honest with themselves, the usual motto, right?), hypnotized, or have already been previously broken in (urgh, I hate the expression, but unfortunately sometimes it’s accurate).
When the stories don’t suck, you’ve got for instance excellent enjo kousai with a dark-skinned slutty gyaru, or a horny highschool girl finding herself the perfect fuckbuddy, then, yeah, it was pretty great.

Graphically, as the title says, the girls are on the thick side, heh. From highschool girl to young adult, they’ve got plenty of nice meat to enjoy. It’s essentially vaginal sex, and the censorship remains quite moderate, if the art strikes your fancy, you’re in for a good ride, I’d say.

Thanks to Doujin-Moe for this one! :jap:

By the same artist, I also share Natsu O Tanoshimimashou and Seijo No Mita Yume.

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