Tag Archives | sailor moon

Kinyou Sankan [English], an hentai doujinshi parodying the Sailor Moon series, by Black Dog

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 7 comments
in Categories: Just Talking

I'm a huge fan of slanted eyes in hentai

Oh, it had already been 2 years since I last shared a Black Dog volume. Apologies for that, but between the censorship and the loli, I didn’t feel quite motivated to share more.
Until now, this volume’s got enough of what I love, so I’m good with it =)

Long story short, in this release, an opponent makes Sailor Venus extremely horny before he’s defeated, and next thing we know, Venus needs the help of 3 human teenagers to vent off her urges, next is the usual Black Dog ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌
Look, I don’t promise you a porn jewel, I feel this volume is below Black Dog’s average quality. How to say… it’s good, but not the quality that made me become a fan of Black Dog, that made the artist stand apart from the rest of the hentai production.
It’s still got the fundamentals, the art style, the blushing, the proud breasts, the horny Sailor girl… At at least the censorship is tolerable on most of the panels, it’s been a lot worse lately!

We owe this release to FF7/Lance, thank you! :jap:

(Remember to view the updated list of ALL Black Dog’s shares on Hentairules)

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Kousai Keiken Hitori Keiken Ninzuu 13-nin [English], an hentai doujinshi parodying the Sailor Moon series, by Aki Kitahara

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 3 comments

A good illustration pic: showing the dark and the good in this volume at the same time
I totally didn’t crop this image just above a monster mess of censorship.

The story was “typically” Japanese, dealing with repressed fantasies of masochism, of being dominated, of toying with the idea that ecstasy is shameful for a woman so it must be imposed by a scummy male… Would you see the idea?
In this share, a man asks Ami Mizuno if she’s really Sailor Mercury, and “logically” she concludes she is a victim of blackmail and she needs to buy his silence with sex otherwise he will destroy her life by disclosing her secret identity. Whatever rocks your boat, girl: the man didn’t have time to, possibly, tell he just wanted a handshake or shit, Ami already initiated the sex ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌

Graphically, this is pretty good, I’ve always loved girls with glasses and Aki Kitahara did Ami Mizuno great justice in this volume, especially – I don’t care if it’s weird to say – with her hair :twisted:

By the same artist, known as Aki Kitahara and Secret Society M, I also share Ninshin Shichatta Dareka Tasukete, Senpai Ga Benki, Torikage No Joou, Venus Ga Oji-san Ni Camera Mesen De Makuwararete, Sayonara Nene-san, Inyoku No Kan 2199, Helena-sama And I, Shintaku No Kairou and A Pack of 9 other works (Doukoku no Ori + Kinpatsu Tsuma no Toriko + Koi suru NyoTengu + Limit of Despair + Pleasure on the Opposite Side of the Vending Machine + Second Hand Nene-san + Utahime no Shouzou + Utahime No Shouzou 3 + Yousei Keikaku).

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UrAnus [English], an hentai doujinshi parodying the Sailor Moon series, by Bang-You

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 2 comments

Introducing the main character

Someone had to make the joke eventually, I’m so glad it was the eromangaka :D

Ahem. Other than that this is just what you’d expect, Sailor Uranus is captured by a group of rapist youkai, who do their best at breaking her. Because youkai magic, in the send she’s the one asking for more, etcetara. Looking great, and for the story, to each his own, right?
Thanks to NaxusNL for this healthy anal release :)

By the same artist, known as Bang-You, Manguri Cannon and Nagaredamaya, I also share Stopwatcher (202 pictures), Uranus-san Vs Toumei Ningen, Shidoukan Future, Shidoukan Crouching + Shidoukan Outdoor, Yoruneko-san No Shunkou Raijuu Ikaryaku, Bang You Collection Vol 3, Degeneration and Lunar Eclipse.

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Uranus-san Vs Toumei Ningen [English], an hentai doujinshi parodying the Sailor Moon series, by Bang-You

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 8 comments

And in case you had forgotten how creepy X-rays were, look at the upper part of this picture

The scenario in this Sailor Moon doujinshi goes from weird to weirder ^^
At first, Sailor Uranus is fighting a tentacle youkai, the obligatoring groping and tentacle play happens naturally, but Uranus had a second foe, an invisible man who plays all sorts of naughty tricks on her, and even follows her home after she’s beaten the tentacles guy. And, shamefully but with guilty pleasure, she lets the invisible rapist have his way with her ¯\_(°_o)_/¯

It’s presented with an original and pleasant art style, at least, that I wanted to commend and share. Sure, it may not be what I dig, but I know good art when I see it nonetheless, the flushed faces Uranus does, her good-looking body, the sex she gets, the quite tolerable amount of censorship, it’s well done :)
Side note, I applied a faint levels correction on the images.

Thanks to Naxus NL for this release! :jap:
And inb4 you want to tell: I know there are others works by this mangaka out there. I forgot to check before preparing that share, and found out too late T__T You know what, I’ll make another repack soon with those.

By the same artist, known as Bang-You, Manguri Cannon and Nagaredamaya, I also share Stopwatcher (202 pictures), UrAnus, Shidoukan Future, Shidoukan Crouching + Shidoukan Outdoor, Yoruneko-san No Shunkou Raijuu Ikaryaku, Bang You Collection Vol 3, Degeneration and Lunar Eclipse.

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Mercury Shadow volumes 4-5 [English], a pack of 2 Sailor Moon hentai doujinshi by Alice No Takarabako (AKA Mizuryu Kei)

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 2 comments

What a slut. But a lovely slut.

A quick catch-up share, here are the two newer volumes of the Mercury Shadow volumes, by our good old Mizuryu Kei. In which, just as of usual in the series, sailor Senshi (here: Jupiter, Mars and Mercury) hand-pick the shotaboys they like, and have intense sex with them. Mizuryu Kei is back to his “my girls are huge sluts with their neurones fried from too much sex” roots.
The scenario details matter very little, the art is the same as always, the rest is thus in your hands, it’s your call ;)

Thanks to Doujin-Moe for this release! :jap:

For more, see the list of Alice No Takarabako’s (also known as Mizuryu Kei) works on Hentairules

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Dark Blue Moon [English, colorized version], a splendid hentai doujinshi parodying the Sailor Moon series, by Black Dog

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 6 comments

The saliva bridge, between their mouths... HNNNG!

Come on, disregard the ugly threatening cover. Dark Blue Moon is an excellent Black Dog doujinshi, featuring splendid threesome action between Usagi, Ami (they’ll French kiss!! :woot: ), and an adult human.

And it’s just been colorized :twisted: I have to add: well colorized, because it’s easier said than done, to honour the pics rather than slaughter them.

For more details, just check what I wrote for the original grayscale version, otherwise, the online reading and zip download links are below ;)

(Remember to view the updated list of ALL Black Dog’s shares on Hentairules)

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HUGE pack of 22 works by Ohigetan [English, 417 pictures]

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 9 comments

Totally worth the time it took, in my eyes. Everybody ought to know and enjoy this mangaka's works :)

When you have to much catching up to do, it’s time for a fat repack from hell :twisted:
Here we are, with no less than 22 volumes of full-color quality works by the Circle Ohigetan. Nearly all the time, these are cheerful highschoolers with lots of lovely meat, enjoying good (hugely censored, SOB!) dicks, providing awesome oral and paizuri, and having intense sex (mostly vaginal, with a good amount of anal, and a bit of DP). Zero scenario. I’ll let you to enjoy it ^__^

A note about file sizes: had I shared it as I downloaded it myself, it would have been a 2.8 Gigabytes behemoth. For 417 pictures.
I did my usual (recompress the images that weren’t above a 3000 px vertical size, shrink to 3000 px the pictures that were – as far as 4800 px – bigger than that).
End size for you: 305 MB only! ^_^ (And 147 MB if you want it in 1600 px!)

I’m certain I’m missing a good number of non-mentioned credits, but at least, let me express my greatest thanks to Striborg, Shakezoola, Super Shanko, ZellBell, Baran, Vilis, Nefarious, Lord Of Evil and Anonymous, from Konbini Translations, Hennojin and Scantastic, we owe them a lot! :jap:

Those 22 works are:

Bloomers Shoujo
Chikan Gakushuu Shidou Youryou
Junpaku Shoujo

Ohigebon Classmate Manko Note 1 Nichime
Ohigebon Classmate Manko Note 2 Kame Chuukan
Ohigebon Classmate Manko Note 2 Kame Joukan

There’s much more for you, on The list of Ohigetan’s shares on Hentairules

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