Tag Archives | Shokugeki No Soma

Ikumi-chan Niku Niku volume 3 [English], + a repack of the volumes 1-2-3, a Shokugeki No Soma hentai doujinshi, by Yoshu Ohepe

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 2 comments


Time flies, right? In 2014, the volumes 1 and 2 of this series were scanlated, and it’s only this year, two months ago, that the third volume was scanlated too ^^

Another “time flies” thing, I had my birthday this week, I once again failed to find the “pause” button lol :lol:

Those 3 Ikumi-chan Niku Niku volumes are all about the same thing: the dark skinned pseudo-yankee Ikumi, from Shokugeki No Soma, having steamy hot sex with the series’ male main character, Soma. Don’t bother yourselves with a scenario, it’s all about enjoying Ikumi’s dream curves and gorgeous dark skin, drawn Yoshu Ohepe style :twisted:
As 2014 is pretty far now, I imagine it might help if I’m also sharing a repack of all 3 volumes, instead of sharing only the volume 3.

Graphically, a side note, I strongly levelled the images, they were too pale and looked overexposed, Ikumi’s sexy body deserved that :twisted:

Release credits are for S4LT, Hprobot2 and Ultimaflaral, from the E-H Cove, and, for the previous volumes, to Von, Hihohahi and Kurohentaioujin, from Facedesk, and Trantez and Unnes, from BatmanScans. Thank you very much! :jap:

For MORE stuff by Yoshu Ohepe, don’t miss The list of his shares on Hentairules!

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Namaniku Full Course [English], an hentai doujinshi parodying the Shokugeki No Soma series, by Kurakino Issiki

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 7 comments

Nice tits, eh? Don't miss the bonus pictures in the end, with a few other girls ;)

The Shokugeki No Soma series ended up very, very poorly (understatement of 2019), but while the manga was still in its early steps it was good.
In the present parody, we watch Nikumi, a dark-skinned gyaru-looking hottie, also a talented cook specialized in beef meat, cooking a new meal for Souma-kun, the series’ male MC. For hentai reasons, she added an aphrodisiac to her recipe, and things follow their predictable course =)

The censorship is damnably bad (whiteout mode), but I had good feelings from the art. Plus, I was won over the moment that was a doujinshi featuring Nikumi, dark skin and gyaru clothes were a sure win with me ^_^

Thanks to Ultimaflaral, Someguywith and Red_Piotrus from the E-H Cove, for this one! :jap:

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Nakiris Oishiku Meshiagare [English], an hentai doujinshi parodying the Shokugeki No Soma series, by Takurou

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on No comments

At least, kudos for the Erina cosplay pages.

Ah, this is so frustrating! Just like in the previous volume, Nakiris Oishiku Itadakimasu, The girls are perfect, but the scenario stays on the same corruption track from before, with a dark sucky basis and a fugly male MC :gfy:
Usual disclaimer, if you love this stuff, hey stuff yourself full, it’s quality within that precise niche.

So, if you need a summary, it’s Alice and Erina Nakiri, the babes from Shokugeki No Soma (although I personally belong to Team Tadokoro, the braided maiden in the series), their will has been bent in favour of some obsessed scumbag, and they have sex. Alice is kinda tsundere, Erina is openly naughty and cosplays (main highlights: nekomimi maid, Kashima O_o). Sigh.

Thanks to whoever released it.
By the same artist, known as Mix Fry and also as Takuro Art Works (or add an “u” and make it “Takurou”), to this day, I also share Rika No Kenkyuushitsu ~ Chiteki na Rikei Onnano Seitai (206 pictures), a pack of 2 works (Ruizumu + Mikkusufurai HaruLala), Kore Ijou Wa Yurushite, Shibaranakute Mo YokunaiOagari Yo, Iinari Kirara no Saiminjutsu, Nakiris Oishiku Itadakimasu and its sequel the present share, a pack of 3 works (Minamino + Nagi Kan + Ran Nana) and another pack of 3 works (Jidori J-kei Choukyou Shichau Zo + Joshi Ga Muragaru PowSpo Chi Po + Reijou Shihai Mesu).

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Yukihira 3-Pun Cooking – Kyou No Shokuzai A5 Nikumi (Yukihira’s 3-Minute Cooking – Today’s Ingredient: A5 Meat Nikumi”) [English], an hentai doujinshi parodying the Shokugeki No Soma series, by Tetrodotoxin

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 1 comment

I didn't pick by accident the only picture in which she didn't look obese

While I would personally vouch for Tadokoro (because shy + brunette + braids is an awesome combo), Ikumi’s got plenty of fans among the Shokugeki No Soma readers/watchers. Naturally, she’s slim with only her face being a bit round. However, in the present share, she’s become totally fat, it came as a shock for me :shock:

And Yukihira “offers” her to a bunch of men, preparing her with foreplay as if he were preparing meat for a meal. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I found the art mediocre at best, but maybe that’s because we’re way outside of my comfort range, so I’ll still share it just in case you guys might enjoy the read :)
Thanks to Alparslan for this release! :)

By Tetrodotoxin, to this day, I also share a pack of 4 works (GA + Garnet-San No Ouji-Sama Ikusei DS + Makina And Garnet’s New Year’s Sex Party volumes 1-2), Bakunew 1, Bakunew 2-3Hanai And Tajima’s Last Night Fantasy Tales + Momokan My Japanese Prostitute Girlfriend and Hot Sweaty Summer, a pack of 7 works, and, maybe, if it’s the same artist despite not being the same pen name (I doubt it, but I’ve heard the contrary) Take Off Your Clothes.
Watch out, “Tetrodotoxin” is a circle name. Usually, a circle only has one big-shot popular name inside, the one doing most of the works that make it to us over the internet. However, in the present case… I am fucking lost :D There are more mangaka names to mention attached to the Tetrodotoxin name: Nise Kurosaki, Hiroyuki Andou, and maybe more. And me, in the middle, I am lost, sorry I know this isn’t helpful.

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Secret Recipe 1 [English], + a repack with the volumes 1-2-3, an hentai doujinshi parodying the Shokugeki No Soma series, by Loflat

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 4 comments

Hooo, Erina, my favorite tsundere ojou-sama

The release order was weird. First the volume 2, then the volume 3, and now finally comes the volume 1 ^^
We witness at last how Erina Nakiri, the tsundere ojou-sama of the Shokugeki No Soma series, a lovely highly delusional teen at the peak of her hormones spurt, becomes Souma’s lover :D
There’s a slight comedy note, and – something I was looking forward to, as an avid follower of the real Shokugeki No Soma series – we have a scene in whiri Erina tastes Souma’s cooking, loses her clothes and climaxes :twisted:

I have little more to add. Enjoy, folks! ^_^

Besides the volume 1, I also offer you a repack with the volumes 1-2-3. The volume 2 is my favorite (a bunny girl threesome!!! :woot: With Alice and Erina!!), the volume 3 is more comedy-driven and displays Harato and Alice.
Well-deserved thanks are to be credited to Anonymous, Cedr777 and Ruby Omega, from Triple Seven Scans, for the volume 1, and Dark Knight Dynellen, Kirikka, Svines85 from B.E.C. Scans and NicheUploader for the volumes 2 and 3 :)

By the same artist, I also share Mor-san Gohoushi Daisakusen and Chaldea Soap SSS-Rate Service Maid.

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Secret Recipe 3-shiname [English], an hentai doujinshi parodying the Shokugeki No Soma series, by Loflat

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 2 comments

Nice butt, I'll have to give it to Arato

Secret Recipe 2 (I shared it HERE, 2 months ago), by Loflat, was borderline awesome, two super hot bunny girls competing in a sex contest. This sequel, Secret Recipe 3, while it is good in itself, doesn’t reach the same level, I must be frank.

We have two separate scenes. First, Arato (the devoted assistant of Erina) getting a taste of Souma-kun’s organ, and second, a much funnier (I lol’ed at Alice’s surprise deepthroat attack ^____^) and intense scene between Alice and Ryo Kurokiba (the meek guy that goes berserk as soon as he puts on his cooking bandana.) I have little to add, there’s hardly a story to mention, as long as the drawings are to your taste, well, go for it? ^_^
And many thanks to Dark Knight for another good release! :jap:

As I wrote above, by the same artist, I also share Secret Recipe 2

–Update: time has passed, and now there are 3 translated volumes of this series :)

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Hamerareta Erina-sama [English, retouched version], an hentai doujinshi parodying the Shokugeki No Soma series, by Studio Wallaby

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 1 comment

Poor Erina. I'd still bang her so hard *cough*

Hentai quotes time:
« That ass just spoke! How is this possible!? »
« Whoa… Awesome!! I fucked you so hard the wall collapsed. »
(Also, don’t tell me you didn’t read the big hentai quotes post?)

NaxusNL, thank you for this, brings us a kinda both funny and WTF piece of hentai, in which the Shokugeki No Soma’s own ojou-sama, Nariki Erina, is hentai raped under ridiculous circumstances (stuck in a wall, like, seriously? ^^;;), and comes to love the dick of the guy who abused her.
As a story, I’ll give you that, it’s nothing big. But the WTF note (see the quotations above, lol), and the quality of the drawings highly make up for it in my opinion; it’s the kind of hentai that will never be called masterpiece but will be perfect for an occasional fap.

Enjoy, if you can! ^^;;
Side note, I retouched the images, making them more impactful. I could have picked a preview picture in which the difference showed more, but, heck, I HAD to use that one instead ^^ BeforeAfter!.

By Studio Wallaby, I also share Mahou Shoujo Asuka (an excellent, very original Evangelion parody), Kimi To No Kiss, Servant Asuka, Charming Asuka, Trouble Musume Haruna & Ryouko, Onee-Chan Sensei Yojigenme 1-4 (154 pages long, and yet it is complete shit), To Love Rukko Momo & Nana (a jewel, that one), Submissive Heart 36, Ayanami Rei, Secret File 5 Next 5, Asuka No Toki and Ayanami No Toki.

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